Ian on the mend! Got up at 5 to head out to watch the sunrise over Angkor Wat. Was lovely to watch but due to cloud cover was not as spectacular as it could have been. Had a monkey put on a show not 5 foot in front of us stealing food from some tourists and sitting there as bold as brass enjoying it. After brekkie we headed off to the two last temples of our visit - Ta Prohm and Preah Kdei. Ta Prohm is also known as the jungle temple and was really interesting. They shot parts of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider at this one, and you can see why. Another training restaurant for lunch. These places are really important for the economy and the future of the Cambodian people in that they are attempting to get them out of the poverty cycle. Spent the afternoon in the Angkor museum. The covered the history from 6000-14000AD so nothing recent. Enjoyed the tuk-tuk ride home, and am starting to get the hang of this bargaining thing. Spent the evening at the roof top pool with a couple of mojitos :). Am finding comminalities with the group of people we are travelling with - Maddy Knights aunt, one lady who actually works at the ATO, friends of Tony Percy. Small world (Smalbury).