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It's already tomorrow in Australia... Carry On Backpacking

Happy Birthday Shaesh!

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 7 Aug 2008 | Views [675]

I was a little bit sneaky and came home a bit early in time for my sister's birthday. I didn't tell her and so she had a little bit of a shock, but I think it was mostly a good shock. All that stuff about killing me in my sleep was idle banter. I ... Read more >

Return to Aus

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jul 2008 | Views [770] | Comments [4]

Dorothy did it, so I can too, ok? When I've told people my plan for coming back to Aus for the rugby it's been suggested to me that I might be insane. All that time and money and travel just for a game of rugby? The general consensus is that I'm completely ... Read more >

Gallery: Wallabies

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 26 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Good Afternoon Vietnam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [729] | Comments [1]

I was very sad to leave Malaysia, but glad to be heading back to Phnom Penh, if only to see Uncle G again. He's not been keeping the best of health recently in more ways than one, but we still managed to get out and about for some excellent meals and ... Read more >

Gallery: Mekong Delta

VIETNAM | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: KL

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 6 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Safety Stop

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 6 Jul 2008 | Views [609]

As you all know, I am rarely lost for words, but I've spent the past few days trying to sum up my time on Pulau Perhentian Kecil and I'm still stuck.Perhentian means "place to stop" in Malay, originally because it was a stopover for the ... Read more >

Gallery: Perhentian Islands

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 24 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Welcome to the Jungle

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 21 Jun 2008 | Views [865] | Comments [1]

I arrived in Malaysia on Sunday. First stop was Melaka, a historical town with a Portuguese colonial influence. The town has grown since then, but a lot of the old buildings are still there. There's been a lot of money invested int he town recently, ... Read more >

Gallery: Taman Negara

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 17 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Melaka

MALAYSIA | Monday, 16 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Singapore Slinging

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [833]

I arrived in Singapore shortly before 2 o'clock in the morning. I hadn't had much sleep on the plane and was panicking going through customs that I might be arrested for smuggling chewing gum into the country. There was nothing to worry about. My ... Read more >

Gallery: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Somewhere Over The Rainbow

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Views [867] | Comments [3]

Over the past ten or so years I've often been asked why I have a fascination with Australia. Why I'm so interested in the culture, the history and (most often) why I support the sporting teams. Is it because I'm a closet Aussie? Is it because I've been ... Read more >

Gallery: Cairns

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 8 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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A lot up top

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 6 Jun 2008 | Views [791] | Comments [1]

The Alice is a lot bigger than I'd imagined it to be, but there's still not a lot going on. But I decided to do what the locals do and joined the party which helped fill my days and nights there while I waited for my train. The Ghan is a train which ... Read more >

Gallery: Litchfield

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Back Outback

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Views [881] | Comments [2]

After a few days in Adelaide it was time to get on the road again, and a long road at that. I set off on a tour of the outback to the red centre. The journey took six days and covered more than 2000km. It was a long, hot and tiring experience, but one ... Read more >

Gallery: Outbook Tour - Day 5

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Outback Tour - Day 4

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 27 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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