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Dominican Ears

Gallery: HOme with family for Christmas

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: London on the way home

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Christmas lights

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

Tree and lights
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London on the way home

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Jan 2007 | Views [1323]

I FROZE!!!!! Why did the coldest days of this mild winter have to be while I was there for three days. But i enjoyed the cranberry juice, strawberries, pub meals, wrapping up in a duvet and coats. Just drying your towels on the heaters and such was ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Christmas lights

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Friday, 15 Dec 2006 | Views [1539]

My house was looking a bit bare coming into November so when David came to visit we took a break from work and put up the Christmas lights. They decorate early and with as many lights as possible. They don't usually use lights alone, although I did they ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Guns on the street

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006 | Views [1670]

Sometimes the scariest thing is not knowing what is going on and not being able to find out. Seeing men walking on the street with guns (rifle in one arm and pistol in the front of the pants) makes you curious. WHen you are driving through and many shop ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

David's visit

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 15 Nov 2006 | Views [992]

Okay well David Pither has been here for the last two weeks. He is a whirlwind. BUt on the plus side we got a lot of new equipment and supplies for the clinic. Thank goodness the team here seems to know what was happening and is a little used to his ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Gallery: My operation

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 4 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

gall bladder had to go
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recovery continued

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 4 Nov 2006 | Views [707]

Okay well I am fine and returning to work has been fun. Well not exactly I am tired all the time and can't reach up or donw too far. Don't realise how often you do that. I am also not quite up to my usual speed. So I am taking it a little easy.

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

david has arrived

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 4 Nov 2006 | Views [778]

Hey the president has arrived. Well the president of EARS inc anyway. He is here to help us build the new sound proof booth in the city office. I am very excited as it is a job  would be useless at. I am also excited as he will be conducting more training ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Recovery time

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 28 Oct 2006 | Views [1772]

Hey guys, Well I thought I had better take some time today to write and let you know how I am after surgery. In case of any of you who didn’t catch the news that I was having surgery. Well hmmm. Tune out and relax I am fine. Okay well I ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

they stole the electric wires

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Tuesday, 10 Oct 2006 | Views [837]

One of the guys I work with frequently finds his phone not working due to stolen phone wires in his area. The phone company replaces them so regularly you think they'd do something about it all but what!!! Anyway this time they didn't steal the phone ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Petrol shortage

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Tuesday, 10 Oct 2006 | Views [1926]

We had a petrol shortage unlike anything we get in Aus. This affected everyting with meetings cancelled and people fearing tehy wouldn't eb able to get anywhere soon. Now the tankers came in but it is all a still a bit up in the air. I have a full tank ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Rugby in the DR

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Tuesday, 10 Oct 2006 | Views [776]

Well my friend Tuks from Fiji has found rugby here. We went on Saturday to watch the DR team play a team from Florida. Not a world class game really but well worth a look. At least to find a whole group of guys who know about Rugby. One even had an Aussie ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Meeting with Uni re the approval

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Thursday, 5 Oct 2006 | Views [759]

Well as always I am amazed here how to get anything done or for people to work hard on something you need to bring in the directors and in a way threaten their jobs. They then hurry and act out of fear. A lot of face in these meetings by which I mean ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Surgery delayed

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Thursday, 5 Oct 2006 | Views [790]

Well I was supposed to have surgery this week but then I delayed it as I couldn't reorganise all the stuff in time. Now I was all organised well as well as can be for next week. BUt I have a cold and they want me to delay another week. Meanwhile ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Gallery: Prisha's 5th birthday and 1st party in DR

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 30 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Natia's birthday

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 27 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

A party burmes style with Fijian cultural elements.
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A party Fijian and Burmese style with a Dominican crowd.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Wednesday, 27 Sep 2006 | Views [822]

Well it was another celbration this weekend with the birthday of Natia. She is a opthalmology resident who arrived the week after me here. She is from Burma and this is her first time away from family and her community. Her birthday was yet another ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Reading class last night

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Saturday, 23 Sep 2006 | Views [710]

Well I went again to Chavon barrio last night to visit the thirteen year old with undiagnosed dyslexia (well that is my laymans guess). We are doing well with the reading and at least making her more interested in the process. She is enjoying the classes.... Read more >

Tags: People

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