Okay well after much searching and thought and yes I confess worry. I have found a house.It is difficult to decide on a house or an apartment when youbahve considerations you have never had before like does it get runnign water or power. Is it secure. Can we put screening on the windows to stop the insects. Is it rat infested or worse... It is likely to fall down.
I also think that in this country where you live says a lot about who you are and who yo are tring to be and also who you want to socialise with. These are all significant decisions.
It is a three bedroom house and so there are no excuses for people not visiting me. I think I will use one as an extra living area-study. I even have an area for a dog and a small garden- we'll see how much responsibility I can handle.
The neighbourhood is great and well quieter without being non-dominican. It is also cheap and has a constant water supply and access to cable TV... ahhh the luxury. I now need to start buying all the essentials. This is another process whereby I need to ask stupid questions like okay an iversor that saves the power up right but how much and how many blackouts are we going to have. For exapmle in this area where the hospital is the blackouts are about 5-7 hours every day. I think this area is less from what I am told which means I probably can get away with a 1.5 kilo inversor??? Whatever this means.
The house already has an electric attachment on the shower head to warm the water before it hits your body... this is cheaper and works as long as there is power. I was going to want to get one installed having it already there saves me some money.
Work has been crazy busy with a group here from the States running a project and Michelle leaves this week.
I am off this weekend to a youth group camp in la Vega and to see Carnival. Should be fun.
More about this next week.