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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "mummified hand".

The Lights of Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Monday, 23 May 2011 | Views [637]

A 6 hour train trip took me form Budapest to Prague, where I managed to find Art Hole Hostel without too much trouble using the map I’d picked up from the previous hostel. It’s amazing how sitting on a train all day doing nothing can tire ... Read more >

Tags: bone church, charles bridge, kampa park, kutna hora, mummified hand, pickpockets, prague, wenceslas

The Best of Budapest

HUNGARY | Friday, 20 May 2011 | Views [595]

The morning train to Hungary took a little over three hours (a little confusing as it was listed as going to Belgrade) and I arrived at Flow Hostel just after lunch. This hippy-style 3 rd floor apartment hostel consists of 2 rooms with bunks ... Read more >

Tags: budapest, church, fountains, gellert hill, mummified hand, secret police, terror house, thermal baths

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