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Adventures of a short vet


There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "hiking".

Fjords & Bonfires in Bergen

NORWAY | Wednesday, 22 Jun 2011 | Views [986]

My ticket directed me to the "family car" of the train to Bergen where I was the only passenger. I was a bit worried that I'd caught the wrong train until the ticket collector came through and put my mind at rest! There had been a fire ... Read more >

Tags: bergen, fjord, glacier, hiking, mt floyden

Biking and hiking to our first mountain gite

MOROCCO | Sunday, 17 Oct 2010 | Views [674]

We had an early start (one of many) to catch a minivan out to the start of our bike ride into the mountains. The first leg was the worst (well it felt like it) with a massively long hill, but I was surprised at how I was able to keep going ... Read more >

Tags: atlas mountains, berber villages, hiking, imane valley, imlil, mountain biking

Montserrat Monastery

SPAIN | Tuesday, 5 Oct 2010 | Views [3050]

As the weather was meant to pack it in later in the week I decided to head out to see the Santa Maria de Montserrat monastery while the sun was still around. Once again my nerdy research made the trip a lot easier, as I managed to catch the metro ... Read more >

Tags: black madonna statue, hiking, monastery, montserrat, sant jeroni

The Lakes District & Scafell Pike

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 2 May 2010 | Views [564]

A bank holiday of four glorious days off could not be wasted so I booked a flight to Newcastle & met Sally, a friend from vet school who was prepared to show me the sights in the Lakes District in Cumbria. After a much needed lunch of a scrummy ... Read more >

Tags: hadrians wall, hiking, lakes district, scafell pike, tramping

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