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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "cathedral".

Exploring Aachen

GERMANY | Sunday, 10 Jul 2011 | Views [1139]

Despite oversleeping and running late I still managed to make the 11am train to Aachen, which is only an hour’s trip towards the border of Germany. I managed to navigate my way to my hotel (no hostels in Aachen and I stupidly ... Read more >

Tags: aachen, cathedral, devils thumb, fountains

Exploring Valencia

SPAIN | Sunday, 10 Oct 2010 | Views [665]

Another big day of walking, starting with a visit to La Lonja de la Seda, another UNESCO World Heritage Site for being one of the most stunning, most important and best preserved examples of Late Gothic architecture in entire Europe. After wandering ... Read more >

Tags: cathedral, holy grail, la lonja, science museum, valencia

New country, new adventure!

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 3 Oct 2010 | Views [626]

With another month of work under my belt and the weather starting to turn colder in the UK I decided it was time to go in search of sunnier skies. I’d booked in an Intrepid Active trip with a couple of friend starting in mid-October and had a couple ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, cathedral, la rambla, monjuic, naked man, olympic stadium, spain

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