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Worldtrip a 45 year old's adventures around the world-which include everything from sitting in random McDonalds using his notebook, hanging with 22 year olds, and other immature stuff.

Yachting Week #2

FRANCE | Sunday, 9 July 2017 | Views [1051]

The second day, it was cold and cloudy. After a complete breakfast on the yacht, of course eating smoked salmon, an omelet, and a lot of other stuff, I got off the ship-I was unoficially supposed to meet some of the others from the cruise and walk around together, but after sitting on a bench across the harbor from the ship, they never showed up.

The place to go here in Port Venderes, France was a town called Colliure. A medievil artsie town, artists like Maltisse and Picasso used to stay in the town. It was an approximately 2 1/2 miles there, so I could walk or take the bus. I looked at the bus schedule, and the it didn't seem like the bus was due for a while, so I decided to hoof it to Colliure.

I enjoy walking in a foreign country, just examining life. In this case, I walked through the town, passed closed resturants (since it was still early in the morning), and shops. The walk took me up a hill which hugged the shoreline. Across the harbor, while our ship was inviisible, a yacht from the Sea Dream Yacht club was visible.  I walked up the hill, past huge houses on the hill, and came to a Lidl store, which was handy. After spending 6 months in Europe, I was well accustomed to Lidl, a supermarket similar to Aldi. Now I didn't need food, but I wanted to buy some running shorts and t-shirt, for yoga.  After roaming the isles of Lidl, I not only found the shorts and t-shirt, but also some cheap sneakers (The shorts, shirt and sneakers together amounted to around 22 Euros).

After the shopping break, I continiued on to the cute little town with fortresses, old streets, etc. I went into an old castle. Then we walked around looking in the little shops. One travel agent who I found was from Boynton Beach said you can be the same stuff at Homewgoods. 


. /I then walked around the town, went into an old fort, and had lunch at some cafe. It was most comfortable. And a nice day. Ithen went to the ship, had dinner with some folks from the gorup, which was good. 

At night, I went to the Captain's cocktail party-where the crew we're introduced, and there was free wine for everyone.



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