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Walking Budapest

HUNGARY | Saturday, 18 July 2015 | Views [527]

Yesterday was my first full day in Budapest. After awaking, I had the Mcbreakfast and then went on a free walking tour.  As I mentioned before, I enjoy walking tours-and free ones are the best-since the guides work on tips-they are generally excited and enthusiastic. The guide was a 22 year old pretty blond with  a nose ring whose name is Yudith-and she was so excited and knowledgeable.


On the Free tour, we went past one of the largest cathedrals in central Europe, a huge Ferris Wheel, and across the River Danube to the Hungarian White House and stunning views. The guide told us about Hungarian history-how it was part of the Austrian empire until World War 1, and how although they we're on the side of the German's during World War 2, Hungary was actually a pretty safe place for Jews until 1944 (when Austria wanted to move to the Allied side). And by the way, Buda is one side of the river and Pest is the other.

She also told us about Hungarian foods, common phrases, and where to go in town. It was a nice day. Afterwards, similar to back in Vienna, a group of us went with Yudith to a cafeteria which served good Hungarian foods. No great views here, unlike the one in Vienna. But the food was good.


After the Walking Tour, I went back to the Hostel and took a nap-the 3 1/2 hours of sleep the following night caught up with me.


Around 6:00 or so, I got up and took a walk. I was considering joining a pub crawl, but instead walked down to the River Danube. Along the way, I stopped for dinner for some pizza and nachos. (At two different places).  I walked up one side of the river, crossed the bridge, and walked back the other side. I took many pictures of the bridges, parliament, and I even took several short naps on some park benches (it was a beautiful evening with the breeze off the river).   I also saw a memorial to the Holocaust, sculptures of shoes amonst the banks of the river-dedicated to the Jews who we're told to remove their shoes before being executed among the banks.  

I didn't get back to the hostel until around 2:30 am or so, once again-As the hostel is a bit of walk from the river, and I enjoyed soaking up the scene on the streets in Budapest. Once again a late night-no drinking this time (Except for a beer with dinner).  

Tags: budapest, hungary



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