It’s well after midnight, I’m on a plane somewhere over the mid-Atlantic and there’s no "turning back now". Six hours ago, sitting in the gate area at San Francisco airport, I have to admit the chorus in my head wasn’t trumpeting the theme music from “Rocky”, “Bolero” or anything even close to an upbeat, excited theme. Instead it was pounding out a tune more along the lines of ”what the hell are you thinking”, where on earth did this cockamamie idea come from? -- with more than a few choruses of “have you totally lost your mind? -- This has to be one of the most hare-brained ideas you’ve EVER come up with!”
Then, after the wave of panic passed, I realized a true “Adventure" involves not knowing if you can really accomplish something and testing yourself to see if you can. Knowing for sure that you can do something is not an "Adventure", it’s just more of the same old same old.
A year and a half ago, Carol, Janis and I decided to form the Colorado Springs Singles Meet-Up group -- for us it was an "adventure" -- we weren’t sure that anyone would even be interested in joining, much less that the group would have over 450 members and more than a dozen volunteers hosting events — the journey was a blend of fun, doubt, satisfaction and some PIA moments tossed in the mix! It was an "Adventure"!
This Europe trip will also be an “Adventure”, only this time I'm on my own — probably with the same mix of emotions -- and i’m finally getting excited about what tomorrow’s sunrise will bring my way! I’m ready!! Wow -- it's amazing what plenty of free booze at forty thousand feet can do to you and your thought processes!!