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In the big wide world A day in a life of ben!

Long time, no speak

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 8 Dec 2009 | Views [921] | Comments [9]

Ok where do I start? I went to Chiang Mai for a 3 day trek, it was quite fun apart from there wasn’t much trekking involved. We just went to shed loads of waterfalls which was fun but got a bit same same after a while. I jumped off this 10 meter high ... Read more >

Still on the road

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 31 Oct 2009 | Views [709] | Comments [6]

I keep on forgetting to update my blog, sorry to anyone who cares & wants to know what I have been doing. So since Railey I've had a few things happen, some I'm going to tell some I'm not. I went to Phuket for some reason just because it was the ... Read more >

This & That . . . . .

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009 | Views [585] | Comments [5]

This is just a quick update as time is money when your paying for the internet! I'm in Thailand at the moment on a beach called Railay , but before that I went To koh phangan (an Island) for the full moon party. It was mental there were about ... Read more >

Jungle Cubs

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009 | Views [753] | Comments [7]

This is really one of the things in your life that will stay with you for ever & make you who you are today! Basically the story starts I went to Tamen Negara in Malaysia, one of the largest jungles in the world. Its 130 million years old & just ... Read more >

The Beach . . . .

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 22 Sep 2009 | Views [643] | Comments [9]

I arrived on Small Island off Malaysia on Wednesday of last week, called Tioman. On the first day here I just lazyed around in a hammock reading hitchhikers guild to the galaxy & having a little swim in the sea. Let me tell you hammocks aren't as ... Read more >

Gallery: Pictures

MALAYSIA | Monday, 14 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

Kuala Lumpur
See all 200 photos >>

Last night in KL

MALAYSIA | Monday, 14 Sep 2009 | Views [613] | Comments [5]

At last im going to move on from here & see some more of the world! But not 100% sure where. I think im going to go to Singapore somewhere via the train, so that way I can see move of the country, rather than flying over the top of it & missing ... Read more >

Batman & Robin

MALAYSIA | Friday, 11 Sep 2009 | Views [545] | Comments [5]

Today I finally done something! I went to the batu caves after find the bus, but I was well scared I was gana get off in the wrong place & kept asking the driver. It was a 272 step climb to the cave, which I thourght it wouldn't be hard, but it did ... Read more >

Another Day been & gone

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 9 Sep 2009 | Views [580] | Comments [3]

I have spent another day being a bum & not doing anything. My iner time clock is still fucked I think, I didn't go to bed untill bout 4-5ish last night. The whole city doesn't seem to sleep, the markets are always open with crazy hindu music bumbing ... Read more >

Speaking to the locals

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Views [526] | Comments [6]

I went out this evening for some dinner at about 6ish ( locals time ) & had this beef thing with onions mixed init, with like a pancake wraped over it + some red onions & a curry sauce on the side. Anyway, on the way back I took a different route ... Read more >

First night!

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Views [612] | Comments [6]

As soon as I got off the plane I was strock with the most intense heat, the air was so warm at first it was hard to breathe. I got a taxi from the airport & arived at my hostle 11pm local time, I didnt really do much apart from get sum food next ... Read more >

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