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In the big wide world A day in a life of ben!

First night!

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 8 September 2009 | Views [612] | Comments [6]

As soon as I got off the plane I was strock with the most intense heat, the air was so warm at first it was hard to breathe. I got a taxi from the airport & arived at my hostle 11pm local time, I didnt really do much apart from get sum food next door, It only cost 1MR which is about 20p. I have no idea what it was or what was in it really, but oh well!

To day Im going to explore the city & take in some sights & sounds. . . . 

Back from my little walk about, didnt really do much lol. Tried to find something to see or do but not much luck. I had a nice lunch at a market stall, it was very cheap for all I got. Every place that I have eaten so far, (two places lol) the staff are very nice & can't seem to do enough for you!

Im going to try & see some hindu caves tomorrow, so if I dont update tomorrow Im dead in a cave getting eaten by vampire bats! So untill then, wish me luck :)



Pleased you got there safe and sound. We can all breathe once again. Lets hope the vampire bats don't get you, otherwise your mother will be cross. Met any like minded travelers yet?

Pleased the locals are being kind and feeding you. Sounds like your adventure is on track.

Take care
Love Geggs

  Geggs Sep 8, 2009 7:26 PM


Good work fella'
Enjoy and I look forward to hearing about your exploits!!!!! ;o)

  Les Sep 8, 2009 7:34 PM


Sorry i missed you before you went! Pleased you arrived safe and sound and are eating well - even if it is roasted dog!

Looking forward to keeping track of you on your blog and hoping you put some pictures on here!

Lots of love


  Katy Sep 8, 2009 7:46 PM


Hi Ben, so glad you got there ok! Remember, Dont talk to any strangers lol!!!!
enjoy your travels and keep us updated, it will be lovely to hear what you are getting up to and making us all jealous as we are sitting at our desks!!
take care lots of love.

  Jo Sep 8, 2009 9:21 PM


Hey Ben

Sounds good so far, I am sure you will discover more to do the longer you are there.

Take care and keep blogging is lovely to hear what u r up to.
Love Helen & Ted xx

  Helen Sep 8, 2009 10:15 PM


I'm really glad your safe and eating well(!!)
I hear your sharing a dorm with a snorer, perhaps ear plugs will help that problem, or even just accidentally waking him up when you want to sleep - just a thought!!

The girls have decided to wear those band things you gave them until you return, I tried to dissuade them but Tilly's argument is that it reminds her of Ben (ahh)and Lottie has kept hers around her ankle as she's not allowed to wear it to school, suppose the worse that can happen is she'll lose a toe!!!

Keep well, and dont forget to try and phone to talk to your brother and sisters when you get the chance. The house feels really empty without you and it's weird when I dont hear your bike coming down the ally at 1.05pm for lunch.
Miss you

  Mum Sep 8, 2009 11:00 PM

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