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In the big wide world A day in a life of ben!

Speaking to the locals

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 8 September 2009 | Views [527] | Comments [6]

I went out this evening for some dinner at about 6ish ( locals time ) & had this beef thing with onions mixed init, with like a pancake wraped over it + some red onions & a curry sauce on the side. Anyway, on the way back I took a different route back & ended up getting lost abit ( I would of found my way back in the end ). Then something amazing happened! A 50year old malaysia man called nelson that spoke perfect english, came up to me & asked if I was ok. Im standing there with a little map thinking im going in the right direction, turns out I was going the wrong way lol ( unlike me ). He went to a english school in malaysia & new a hell of alot about the country & the language. Anyways back to the story at hand, he ended up walking me back to my hostel & we went to a little market & had a ice tea ( I thought it was all ment to be cold, I didnt know you made a normal tea then put ice init lol ). After a while I just wanted to get back to my hostel because he wouldn't stop talking, he was nice but in small ammounts. He was talking about actors & singers that have been dead for a life time!!

Im hungry again now! I think im gana have to go get some more food, or a beer or two. ( I haven't had one since I got here :(, I know hard to belive but there not easy to come cross )

P.S. I cant post any pictures cause I left my camera's connection cable at home lol



We all told you to be careful of lady boys, perhaps it we should have mentioned older men trying to groom nice young boys !!

Hope you found a beer.


  Geggs Sep 9, 2009 3:09 AM


do you want me to send you the connector? if so, can you receive post at the hostel?

Lottie asks if your having lots of fun, and are you enjoying it?

  mum Sep 9, 2009 3:50 AM


well done sounds like u r settling in! x

  Helen Sep 9, 2009 5:46 AM


Sorry for the lack of comments I lost the url even though your mum wrote it down for me and you made a facebook group about it!

Are you sure this "Nelson" wasn't Gary Glitter? He likes those asian countries!

Glad you're ok and hope you find a beer to replace a Honeydew!


  Joel Sep 11, 2009 2:12 AM


Hello mate.. U got yellow fever yet!! ;-)

  Mikee Sep 19, 2009 5:26 AM


I know this really long after u wrote this msg but u know im just catching up lol. i was just sitting here thinking if it was me i wouldnt think 2 take my camera wires and neither have u lol anyways the trip sounds good so far keep having fun!
Holz x

  Hollie Sep 28, 2009 8:36 PM

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