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In the big wide world A day in a life of ben!

Another Day been & gone

MALAYSIA | Wednesday, 9 September 2009 | Views [581] | Comments [3]

I have spent another day being a bum & not doing anything. My iner time clock is still fucked I think, I didn't go to bed untill bout 4-5ish last night. The whole city doesn't seem to sleep, the markets are always open with crazy hindu music bumbing or fireworks going off. I didn't get out of bed till bout gone 1PM today lol. By the time I decided to go out into town it was about 4ish. I did try & go to the buta caves but I couldn't find the bus, its not just me being bad with direction its just jampacked with market stalls, which makes it hard to find any thing or note landmarks.

I managed to find somewhere that serves beer (tiger), so all I have done is have a few beers & have something to eat. I had a fish haed curry today, it wasn't to bad once you get over the fact your eating a head lol. At least it didnt still have the eyes & month still there, you wouldn't of even known what it was if you didnt ask for a fish head.

I've met a few friendly people at the hostel & had a laugh with them. I have been out for a meal a couple of times with this one guy called jamie that comes from london, hes about my age & has been traveling for about 9 months, so hes been telling me about the best things to see & do :).

Just finished watching pulp fiction, now forest gump is on lol. Going for some food & then im going to have a early night so that I can get some stuff done tomorrow.



Enjoy the bat cave, say hi to robin for me!! I know, side splitting stuff!
have you decided how long your staying at hostel cosmopolitan?

  mum Sep 9, 2009 11:54 PM


nice to know its not just wokingham you cant find your way round ! Cant believe your eating those things sounds disgusting.Glad your using your time wisely, bed,telly beer and food, sounds like home ! Take care

  Wok Baths Sep 10, 2009 12:11 AM


Sounds good mate must be nice to have a chat with some Brits. Just make sure you're not transporting heroin between countries without knowing it, capital punishment puts a right downer on your travelling.

Gotta say you've been good so far with the updates. Nothing new here, had a fair few at The Ship last night for the England match with the usual crowd, I'm off to a third world country myself on saturday - back to Cardiff for uni.

  Joel Sep 11, 2009 2:20 AM

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