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In the big wide world A day in a life of ben!

Still on the road

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 31 October 2009 | Views [710] | Comments [6]

I keep on forgetting to update my blog, sorry to anyone who cares & wants to know what I have been doing. So since Railey I've had a few things happen, some I'm going to tell some I'm not. I went to Phuket for some reason just because it was the closest town to go to, but I'm glad I did go. It was great timing as well, because I got there the day the vegetarian festival started. Its a Chinese festival that happens every year, when there God comes down to earth. So the rules are no meat, no smoking, no drinking & no sex for 9 days. Its safe to say I didn't do very well with that. One of the night we went out to the festival, which was just outside are hostel, me & Jose had a beer in are hands & we didn't realise that it was a big NO NO! We just tried to drink them as quickly as possible because we were getting some evil looks. There were paraids every day going past the hostel & loud repetitive music playing 24hours a day! which really get on your nerves after a while. The food that was sold up & down the street was good, but I have no idea what it was really or what it was called. Its nothing like vegetarians in the UK eat, or anywhere for than matter. In the festival there was a group of men (the chosen ones) that the God had came inside of them. This was crazy it had them "feel no pain", so the did all sorts of messed up stuff to them selfs. They would slit there tongue with a blade, cut there backs with axes, pierce poles though there cheeks & loads of other stuff! On the last night of the festival they did this fire walk. Its not the same as an Indian fire walk, they have four guys carrying these fire works, while there going off & every one in the street through more fireworks at them as the walk down the road. Its crazy, you cant see course theres so much smoke, you cant breath & it feels like your ear drums are going to explode, & also I had one blow up in my face! To be fair though, that was just one they had millions being through at them. This Kewe from the hostel brought shed loads of fire works, just because there so cheap here. He had this roll of fire cracks, like 200 or something, but he didnt unroll it & he had 200ish cracks blow up in his face in a mili second. Anyways alot of crazy stuff happened in Phuket but theres to much too tell in too little time. 

So after that I went to Koh Phi Phi in the end for 3 days, not because I wanted to I just followed the crowd, but had a great time there of what I can remember. I got fairly burnt on my neck & my leg, but not from the sun, the burning skipping rope of death! Not a good thing to do at the best of time, let alone when your wasted. I also did this big burger challenge & when I say big it was massive, about the size of my hand and as tall as my fore arm. Oh a wait theres more, an insane amount of think chips, onion rings dripping with grease & a breakfast bowl of coleslaw! Its hard to describe but your have to see the pictures when I sort it out! The challenge is to eat this heart attack on a plate in half an hour & you get it for free, but if you eat it in under 14 minutes you win 1000 baht (20 pounds). How in the hell some one could do that in 14 minutes I don't know. I did quite well, I finished the burger & had about 2/3 of the chips & onion rings, but when it went past 30 minutes there was no point putting my self through more pain. I didn't go out that night, just had a number 2 & fell asleep at like 10pm, surprisingly though I was still hungry in the morning.

After that I went back to Phuket for a couple of days to see the end of the festival, then spent a night in Ranong & now I'm in Bangkok. Bangkok isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I have been avoiding the hooker, ladyboys & ping pong songs area. Already seen all that in Patong (in Phuket), just window shopping though not making a purchase. Its good a came here though, because I met up with Dominic the guy I got lost in the jungle with. It was very weird when I went to see his m8s, because one of them I met like two weeks in to my traveling & it was just crazy seeing her again though him. Now Im heading to Chiang Mai tomorrow & so are they so I've got people to travel with again, who I already know. 

I'll try to update more often if I can, but I'll be heading to Lao in a few weeks & I don't know whats that going to be like for Internet. Till next time x



glad to hear that you are eating well and getting your bangs.
Enjoy youself and try not to burn out.
good luck Ben

  grandad bob Nov 2, 2009 10:31 AM


Great to hear from you Ben, it sounds like your having a really wild time. Be careful with burns though as they can become infected very quickly. Sorry to sound mumsey, but come on.........I am your mother!
Have fun in Laos, we look forward to your next mad blog installment.

  Mum Nov 2, 2009 10:44 AM


Ben, your blogs crack me up! Pleased you've met people to enjoy your travels with. Looking forward to the next update!
Lots of love, Katy xx

  Katy Nov 5, 2009 8:32 PM


Look forward to the next update mate, haven't seen you on facebook for a while so I guess you've had limited internet!

  Joel Nov 17, 2009 2:46 AM


Sounds like you have found your mojo! We had bonfire night the other week but somehow don't think it has the same excitement as your festival!!

Let us know how Loas is. Take care Geggie x

  Geggie Nov 20, 2009 1:57 AM


Sounds like ur having a top time mate!!

  Mikee Nov 24, 2009 10:08 AM

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