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Rigel and Erin A 10 month journey south along the Pacific coast, or so the thought is.

About animalrv

Rigel Vincent is starting his thirties in style:  with travel and adventure!  In the past, I have done such things as getting a bachelor at Brandon University in Business Admin Degree with a focus on entrepeneurship, a minor in Philosophy, and a 2-year diploma in Political Science from Kwantlen.

But also, I travelled from Vancouver, my home of 25 years, to Brandon Manitoba to help start a flax oil processing plant called Shape Foods.  I also owned a house in Brandon which I sold for these travels!

Before I left BC, I was quite obsessed with student politics at Kwantlen College (now Kwantlen Polytechnical University). 

In terms of travel, I first travelled with my father to the Baja of Mexico by car when I was 11. I went to Disney Land, and I snorkelled in the warm Baja waters on the shore (or at least, those are the highlights to my recollection).  On the downside, Tijuana claimed dad's car while we were starting our drive back when a motorist went the wrong way around a round-a-go in the fog and sped off.

When I was 16 (1998) I went to Denmark to visit my late friend, Tore.  He had moved there to live with his mother after his parents split up and my parents amazingly paid for a flight out there for me and gave me some money too.  Wow!  It was a splendid time, and some of my best memories but unfortunately Tore died in a car accident about six months later.  My experience of this of course being loss, but also being glad that I had had the opportunity to visit him and enjoy his company.

In 2008, I travelled with Maggie, Bryan, and Keith to Guatemala and had a fabulous time.  Bryan, in his style, bought my airplane ticket despite my lack of scheduled vacation time (calls it cowboy diplomacy, a phrase my father uses in a derogatory sense but anyways).  So in February of 2008, I left my budding business and backpacked to the ruins of Tikal, stayed at Flores (crazy island city!!) and visited a volcano (by WALKING ON THE LAVA crust and dipping a stick into the FLOWING LAVA!), and a hotspring waterfall!

Hopefully we'll be going back to that waterfall on this trip.  :)

My Travel Map: