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There are [76] photos and [10] stories about France

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Aix me Again

Friday, 19 Oct 2007 | Views [882] | Comments [9]

 – Aix – en Provence Aix “pronounced Ex as well as we can tell” is what Andrew and I have deemed our “vacation” from the busy life of Paris, Dublin, and Marseille. It has lived up to this moniker with panache. Lefty and Rrrrriiiicccaaarrrrrrrrrdooooooooooooooo ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Best Drink in France

Monday, 15 Oct 2007 | Views [1997] | Comments [7]

Today, as Alex and I wandered the streets of Aix-En-Provence, we stumbled upon the best, most delicious, fantastically wonderful drink we have had yet in France. It was in an international bookstore. In addition to being a bookstore, they advertised as ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Ok worry warts!!!

Friday, 12 Oct 2007 | Views [862] | Comments [5]

I almost didn't write this email, just so that Richard would be stuck waiting four hours at the Cracker Barrel...I mean it serves him right, anyone that would go to such a laaaammmmeee place deserves what he gets.  But then I thought, why not make this ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Allez les bleus

Monday, 8 Oct 2007 | Views [826] | Comments [6]

Yay!!! The French have won the quarter finals or so in the Rugby world championships! Before I forget...here is the link to some photos that we have taken...be warned...there are a LOT of them...you don't have to look at all of them, so no posts from ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: Vive la Blu

Monday, 8 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Vive la Blu
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France in a Round About

Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Views [896] | Comments [9]

Sorry for the long delay in posting, but here goes. We have been in Paris for 10 days now, and my favorite place so far has been this place called Montemarte. It's this beautiful hill top where there is a church called Sacre Couer (Sacred Heart), ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Lesson #2

Thursday, 4 Oct 2007 | Views [624] | Comments [3]

Okay, fine. Since you demanding people want another post, but since it is later here and neither Alex or I feel like writing a lot, I will provide you the one "French" interaction Alex and I have mastered: Alex and Andrew walk into the ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Le Crazy Man

Monday, 1 Oct 2007 | Views [849] | Comments [7]

Just a quick note for all of you who are wondering if there are crazy people in France... yes. The other evening, Alex and I were returning home from some assortment of Parisian things, when we sat down on the train. The trains in Paris have seats that ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Livin la vida france

Saturday, 29 Sep 2007 | Views [1282] | Comments [7]

Well as Andrew mentioned we arrived in France with few mishaps, except getting the public transit a little mixed up.   Which…let me explain…has continued on multiple times throughout the rest of the trip.   We have been here three days and have without ... Read more >

Tags: Lost!

French 101

Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Views [1793] | Comments [15]

In case anyone was wondering, we made it to Paris no problem. Okay, I say no problem, but I really mean we woke up at 3:45am, took a taxi to the airport, took off at 7:00, arrived at 9:00, arrived by bus in Paris at 10:30, and then spent two hours trying ... Read more >

Tags: Culture



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