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There are [58] photos and [12] stories about USA

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A House, An Inspector, and More

Sunday, 29 Mar 2009 | Views [782] | Comments [1]

So we are continuing our journey, this time to a house.  We began looking for a house when we came back to Austin last April/May--I can't believe we have been here for a year. Anyway, surprise, surprise (And somehow it really was a surprise), the bank ... Read more >

Believe it or Not...

Monday, 14 Apr 2008 | Views [856] | Comments [3]

We made it home alive. You might not believe it because we haven't posted in, oh, two weeks or so, but that is only because we have been becoming reacquainted with the country we call home. So, rest assured we will be posting our final posts soon, but ... Read more >

From India to America--3 hours; Visa-- Priceless

Thursday, 27 Dec 2007 | Views [1103] | Comments [3]

But first… we have just returned to Istanbul from our trip across the Turkish countryside, but before we can go into detail about all of that excitement, we have the previous week to take care of first. So here goes.Christmas, Christmas, Christmas…one of ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Gallery: Leaving New York

Friday, 5 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 45 photos >>

Here we go again...

Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [759] | Comments [5]

Well this is it, today is the day, we're off to great places, up up and away... ok, so that is a little bit cribbed...ok a lot cribbed, but it sums it up nicely.  This has been a wonderful four or so days in New York, first because Jen and Aaron let ... Read more >

Tags: Friends

Our Itinerary

Sunday, 16 Sep 2007 | Views [2131]

Here is our mostly-official itinerary. Check it out, figure out where you want to meet up with us, and then let us know when you get into town. Here is a Google Maps version of our itinerary. The dates are approximate for the second half because ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase

Departing DC

Saturday, 15 Sep 2007 | Views [731] | Comments [5]

Distancing DC – well here we go. We’re off to the city of New York. The remainder of our trip in DC consisted of hanging out with friends, visiting the museum of Natural History…I know, I know…Daniels going to be jealous, but keeping ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Gallery: Going Away Party

Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Everyone was invited to tell us in person that they were going to miss us.
See all 13 photos >>

Andrew's First Blog Entry!

Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 | Views [2367] | Comments [5]

Yes, everyone, I have finally decided to sit down at the keyboard and whittle a few tales for you all. Actually, I was asked to tell everyone about our recent going away party, which occurred over a week ago, so you can imagine the level of procrastination ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Last Call for Alcohol

Tuesday, 11 Sep 2007 | Views [713] | Comments [4]

Well we are now on day six of our stint in DC, and Annie is likely getting tired of us...despite our constant eating of her food, and lazing about until 11 in the morning.  Nevertheless, we have embarked on an excellent undertaking...the strawberrification ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase


Saturday, 8 Sep 2007 | Views [1846] | Comments [7]

Five days ago we landed in Baltimore and happily trundled our bags into the district.  Ok who am I kidding?  We were up until four in the morning the night before trying to fit all of our stuff into the one backpack/chest that Andrew was carrying....... Read more >

Tags: Friends

A Single Step Huh?

Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [817] | Comments [7]

Lao Tzu (among others) said that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...Lao Tzu obviously journied before the invention of the internet and the plethora of travel books...because it is clear now that a journey of a thousand miles ... Read more >

Tags: The Planning Phase



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