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Around the World in 210 Days


There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "Culture".

Welcome to India

INDIA | Tuesday, 15 Jan 2008 | Views [1141] | Comments [4]

We landed in India at 4:00 am.   We were now 10 and a half hours ahead of New York time, and our bodies are still on French time.   But we can’t complain, because a couch surfing host offered to pick us up in the middle of the night and offered ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

The Sights, Sounds, Smells, and Tastes of Turkey

TURKEY | Thursday, 13 Dec 2007 | Views [5878] | Comments [5]

Actually, not only were we punishing Richard for pestering us to post, but our internet went down for a little bit, from what we are told is part of an ISP strike that is going on right now. Yes, the strikes are striking in Istanbul to. Anyway, since ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Last Thoughts on France

PORTUGAL | Thursday, 25 Oct 2007 | Views [807] | Comments [5]

So after a month of baguettes, wine, and confusing subways… we have left France and arrived in Lisbon, Portugal. We have had the opportunity to see many of the famous sights, the beautiful countryside, and take part in many “French experiences” (Including ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Ok worry warts!!!

FRANCE | Friday, 12 Oct 2007 | Views [871] | Comments [5]

I almost didn't write this email, just so that Richard would be stuck waiting four hours at the Cracker Barrel...I mean it serves him right, anyone that would go to such a laaaammmmeee place deserves what he gets.  But then I thought, why not make this ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

French 101

FRANCE | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Views [1802] | Comments [15]

In case anyone was wondering, we made it to Paris no problem. Okay, I say no problem, but I really mean we woke up at 3:45am, took a taxi to the airport, took off at 7:00, arrived at 9:00, arrived by bus in Paris at 10:30, and then spent two hours trying ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

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