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Tears and Detox (Early days on the road with Jett)

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 14 April 2008 | Views [1916] | Comments [3]

jett skillfully cutting some naughty mushrooms

jett skillfully cutting some naughty mushrooms

Child Star

Shirley Temple’s mother is reputed to say ‘shine, Shirley, shine’ when the child star was dancing, singing or posing for photos. We had our first moment of director/model conflict at the Brisbane airport. We wanted Jett, for our private memoirs, to pose in front of a Jetstar sign. He wouldn’t, and after a little coaxing that admittedly bordered on ‘why the (*^(&(* not’ aggression, he started to leak from the corners of his eyes, thus making him puffy and red faced and less photogenic. If there are any other director’s of children, we’re happy to hear any tips about increasing the productivity and the willingness of the afore said child. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Jett on Detox

He started laughing uncontrollably. It was the third weird mark of behaviour I’d spotted. I turned to Albert and said with sudden wisdom, ‘He’s on detox.’ Jett laughter starts to sound a little hysterical and Albert nods quite seriously at me.

We’ve been living with his grandmother (my mother) on and off for the past two and a half months. We haven’t seen her for two years. You can imagine there had been a little spoiling going on.

He is missing sweets the most. Also the TV and the computer games (sim city). (We allow him to use his Nintendo DS). And its only the fifth day on the road. We are prepared to put up with a little bad temper as his diet becomes a bit more wholesome and his methods of entertainment change from watching a flicking screen, to watching insects, or waterfalls, or stars, or ants, or hike, or help build a camp fire, or help with the dinner.

Tags: allwelcome, ambassador van, jett, t a j, traveling with children



Actually, Shirley's mom said "Sparkle, Shirley, Sparkle.

  Cyndi Apr 15, 2008 5:36 AM


Why Cyndi, thank you for your constructive criticism. I'm happy to admit my poor memory with true humility.
(The 'correcting' rule is to say, by the way Cyndi, four positive things and one negative. So, perhaps, the next time you correct my hollywood quotations (or any thing else - and you are VERY welcome, because I like to be corrected, no, really I do) then you could, just maybe, say 'oh, your writing is so lucid, funny, informative and honest. Also, you spelt ####### wrong.')
cheers! The t of T A J

  allwelcome Apr 21, 2008 2:03 PM


God i'm a bitch.
Anyway, getting back to Jett. He's MUCH better than he used to be. Just in case you're all very concerned.

  allwelcome May 16, 2008 3:45 PM

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