Finally made it to Brazil - Sao Paulo. We got to the airport at 0330 this morning for a 0650 flight. We finally got in the air around 1545. And that wasn't even bad actually - some people had been delayed FOUR days! Yuck. We did get to meet a really awesome Brazilian guy - hopefully we will meet up with him in Rio (we go there Friday).
Also, I might not be able to update the blog as much here. The hotel is amazing but doesn't have free internet, and I'm not sure as to the safeness of the area yet. Oh, my phone isn't working either - it has been down the past four days, but I thought it was due to the fog (yeah, it doesn't like bad weather). But, I've been to three different countries and it still doesn't want to play.
So, think of me now and again. I will be learning Portuguese from the Portuguese-English Bible that is in my hotel room. I also grabbed a Spanish-English one from the hotel in Bs. As.
love and hugs