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an uneventful day

URUGUAY | Wednesday, 6 June 2007 | Views [405] | Comments [1]

This morning we all did our best to sleep in.  Typical for me, I could not sleep well and kept waking up.  Then we had a late breakfast and went out to a market area.  We sat down for lunch after not too long (no I wasn´t really hungry), and while we were there the weather went from beautiful to foggy and misty and cold.  I could actually see my breath!

Anyway, we walked around in the cold for a while, and then tried to find a taxi that actually knew the school where we needed to get.  Let´s ust say that we drove in a few circles.  And I definitely know why I always make sure I know my locations - being sick I have slacked on those whereabouts, but depending on my program mates to exercise that knowledge has proven to not be so dependable. 

We got to class.  It was not worth it.  He was talking about environmental law in Uruguay.  Not sure how he intended to tie this into international economic integration.  And apparently my program people thought current events were more interesting.  One decided to ask him how pulp mill could possibly pollute a river (keep in mind, the lecturer is an attorney - I don´t know why my classmate thought he should know this anymore beyond the common sense which she seemed to not be utilizing on that note).   

Well, finally the pain of that class period ended - for me and for the lecturer.  I went back to the hotel, warmed up leftovers, and am now talking to YOU :)

Aside:  negative on the chiropractic visit.  I had the Palmer (Iowa) grad´s name and address, but he wasn´t there anymore and they couldn´t track him down.  Perhaps better luck in Brazil... 

Oh!! Also at the lunch place: I got my characture drawn.  It was only 100 pesos ($4 US).  It´s a neat token to take home with me.  And I guess it looks like me - though he really focused on my lower lip and teeth (which, by the way, people are telling me are a mix of Angelina Jolie and Julie Roberts - yeah, my program classmates want to sell me off on those qualities to pay for our trip). 


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Sounds like you are the exotic one to all of the locals. Sorry about the chiropractor . . . I will check online for you but I don't know if it will be any better than you looking. LUV-L

  Laura Varga Jun 7, 2007 11:21 PM

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