If we stopped for every photo opportunity we would never get anywhere! In that respect, Poland reminds us a bit of Romania, one of our favorite countries. Old farm houses and old ladies, interesting churches and auturmn trees - the choices are endless. The harvest is over, the fields are being readied for spring. What we first thought to be potatoes, or maybe rocks, are piled along the road. But a taste confirmed that they are beets - tons and tons of beets.
Country church
Polish farmers haven't forgotten the old ways. Hand picking potatoes, forking hay into a horse drawn wagon. Even when they use tractors the machines are decades old. And one activity, as old as the hills, is gathering fall mushrooms. Mushrooms are a popular feature of Poland national cuisine. Forget about the bland mushrooms you get at Western supermarkets - mushrooms that grow naturally in Poland are full of flavor. Polish people seek out their mushrooms in the forest; this is a tradition that usually involves the whole family. All you need is a pail or a basket and a good set of eyes! Finding mushrooms amongh the fallen leaves is tricky business and sorting the edble varieties from the poison ones is essential. It's a great activity for the garulous. Unlike birds, mushrooms seldom flee. And they never fly!
Gathering mushrooms is a family affair