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There are [0] photos and [18] stories about USA

Home At Last!

Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [896] | Comments [1]

Thursday, November 13             7:28 pm US Our flight from Taipei to SFO took 11 hours and Ryan and I ended up watching mostly movies during that time. We saw "Tropic Thunder," which Ryan kept laughing out loud at and bothering all the ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, chiang mai, final count, food, home, impressions, people we met along the way, san francisco, sfo, thailand

Loy Krathong..... and then on our way home

Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [1409]

Thursday, November 13       6:36 am Thailand / 4:36 pm US (We are sitting in the Chiang Mai airport waiting for our flight to Bangkok, which was booked yesterday evening.... more on that to come). Yesterday we headed out and toured a couple more temples.... Read more >

Tags: airport, bangkok international airport, chiang mai, chiang mai, fireworks, loi krathong, loy krathong, suvarnabhumi, thai massage, thailand

Thai Cooking Class

Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Views [1005] | Comments [2]

Tuesday, November 11        9:43 pm Thailand / 7:43 am US Yesterday night we had a good time at the Khantoke dinner. We got to sit on the floor and eat Northern Thai cuisine: deep fried pork rinds, fried chicken, fried bananas, Thai "adobo"... Read more >

Tags: black sticky rice pudding, chiang mai, curry paste, dim sum, fried fish with chilli and basil, loy krathong parade, panaeng curry, sausage, spicy glass noodle salad, thai cooking school

Brrrs...It's cold

Monday, 10 Nov 2008 | Views [796]

11/09/08    9:31pm / 7:31am US We started off the day with a two hour drive to Doi Inthanon National Park which is the highest point in Thailand. Naturally Felicia fell asleep after driving for 20 minutes. On top of the summit is a military satelite ... Read more >

Tags: cold night, doi inthanon national park, karen village, rambo, sleeping, thailand

Today was an Amazing Day!

Monday, 10 Nov 2008 | Views [744]

Saturday, November 8     9:50 pm Thailand / 7:50 am US Our day started out with an easy 60 minute jungle trek in Maekampong, about 1 hour & 10 minutes north of Chiang Mai. We were able to learn about the village's ability to make tea from the trees ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, flight of the gibbon, khom loi balloons, mae jo university, thailand, zip lining

Back to Chiang Mai

Friday, 7 Nov 2008 | Views [658]

Friday, November 7             8:05 pm Thailand / 6:05 am US LOL we checked out from the hotel on time (before 9:00 am) but then the receptionist gave us 2 vouchers for breakfast! Well, we couldn't waste it so we ordered breakfast (2 Thai-style breakfasts:... Read more >

Tags: cd, chiang mai, dvd, haggling, mcdonalds, night market, pantip plaza

Tiger Balm Twins

Thursday, 6 Nov 2008 | Views [734]

Thursday, November 6         6:55 pm Thailand / 4:55 am US As you all can tell from our title, Tiger Balm is the miracle drug! Ryan and I have officially stopped itching thanks to this wonderfully, smelly balm. Oh yeah, and it somewhat cleared Ryan's ... Read more >

Tags: bat poop, cave tour. night market, mae hong son, tiger balm

Cabbages & Condoms!

Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [2038]

Wednesday, November 5       8:36 pm Thailand / 6:36 am US (Congratulations, Barack Obama! We just found out about 2 hours ago.) This morning was another late start (8:30 am) and we got to eat at a local restaurant. Haha, we ate fatty pork (cow yook ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, condoms, night market, subway sandwich

Welcome to the Golden Triangle!

Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [865]

Tuesday, November 4       8:34 pm Thailand / 6:35 am US (Sorry if this log doesn't make much sense because we're trying to write it while watching a Thai soap opera. We're making up the dialogue - eh, all soap operas have the same plot so we're making ... Read more >

Tags: burma, chiang rai, ganja, golden triangle, laos, opium

Easy Ride to Thaton

Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [643]

Monday, November 3          9:12 pm Thailand / 7:12 am US We left the Lisu village this morning and left for Thaton. First we drove to the Chiang Dao Cave shrine and, on the way, ate sticky rice with coconut milk and beans cooked in a stick of bamboo.... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, dragon fruit, medicine, northern thailand, thaton

How to Describe America

Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [2495] | Comments [1]

Sunday, November 2        9:30 pm Thailand / 7:30 am US Yea! Today's elephant camp and Lisu village day. But first we got to visit an elephant dung paper-making "factory". Very cool process and I now love poo paper! Don't worry, no bacteria ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, elephant camp, lisu village, northern thailand

First Day in Chiang Mai

Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [609]

Saturday, November 1     10:02 pm Thailand / 8:04 am US We arrived in Chiang Mai 2 hours delayed. We don't know how that happened since we were only 20 minutes delayed in Bangkok. And we were wrong: the train ride was supposed to 12 hours long but, ... Read more >

Tags: baby tigers, chiang mai, night safari, thailand

Chooo, Chooooo!

Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [625]

Saturday, November 1   6:46 am Thailand / 4:45 pm US Sleeping on the train was actually very comfy! Thanks to my ear plugs & the rocking motion of the train, it felt like I was being rocked to sleep... except for the occasional lurch of the train ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, thailand, train

Checking out the Ruins....

Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [781]

(Sorry for the upcoming late entries! We haven't had Internet access until now. Or, if we did, we didn't have time to use it. So everything has been handwritten and now will be transcribed by us. Haha.. no outsourcing!) Friday, October 31 (Happy Halloween! ... Read more >

Tags: ayutthaya, ruins, thailand, train

And it was a monsoon!

Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 | Views [986] | Comments [4]

Thursday, October 30   8.31 pm Thailand / 6.30 am US After our monstrously huge breakfast, we caught up with Nok, our tour guide. And I mean that literally because one minute she was in the lobby waiting for us to finish our online log and the next ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, buddha, food, temples, thailand

Sleeping In Bangkok... Don't worry - It's G-Rated!

Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 | Views [649] | Comments [1]

Thursday, 10/30      8.38 AM Thailand / 6.34 pm US Boy, this hotel needs some double-paned windows! The whole night we could hear the motorcycles vrooming through the city and all the horns blasting from cars. This city does not have a time when there's ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, budget, food, sleeping, thailand

Our 1st Afternoon in Bangkok

Wednesday, 29 Oct 2008 | Views [695]

<Sorry ahead of time for the random punctuations and funny parentheses. The keyboard is different out here. Even the space bar is cut in half!> 6.13 pm Thailand/ 4.13 am US We have arrived finally and it's pretty freakin' humid out here! We decided ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, pantip plaza, taxi, thailand

Our Flight

Wednesday, 29 Oct 2008 | Views [747] | Comments [2]

So right now we're in Taipei, Taiwan (6:30 am) waiting for our flight to Bangkok. Ryan made it through the 13 hr, 50 min flight with no problems at all since he slept for half of it. I didn't sleep as well but managed to watch "The Incredible Hulk"... Read more >

Tags: airport, bangkok, eva air, flight, taipei, taiwan, thailand



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