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Where are We Going Next? A good way to let our family and friends know what we're up to each day that we're away from home so that you guys can be on the trip with us! Oh yeah, good way for us to remember what we did too! =D

About traveling_jungs

We are "newlyweds" travelling internationally together for the first time. Ryan has traveled to Hawaii, Florida, Reno, Lake Tahoe (north & south), Las Vegas, Texas, and Los Angeles and has never traveled outside the United States so this will be a great (hopefully) experience for him. Felicia has traveled to Hawaii, Los Angeles, Yosemite, New York, Florida, Texas, Reno, Lake Tahoe (north & south), Las Vegas, Australia and China so far and love to travel everywhere (airplane rides are usually when she sleeps the best!).

What do we stand for? We don't have an insightful answer to that question. We know that we want to have fun during our trips and respect the people and culture of the area. We don't want to insult/offend others and we don't want to be a nuisance to the people or to the environment. But we do want to immerse ourselves in our trip so that we can truly understand the culture and people that we encounter.

My Travel Map: