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Trip: the Fuego Project 2008 - 2010

There are [93] stories from my trip: the Fuego Project 2008 - 2010

Tierra del Fuego 'the Final Chapter', Porvenir to Ushuaia

CHILE | Wednesday, 11 May 2011 | Views [8592] | Comments [1]

3/3/11 to 13/3/11                 642km (total for the whole journey 32,378km) ‘Crossing the Magallanic Straight and into the Land of Fire’ The Magallanic straight that divides the mainland of South America from Tierra del Fuego was ... Read more >

Tags: beagle channel, chainring proposal, cycling companions, guachos, guanacos, penguins, the end, tierra del fuego, wind

Photos: Tierra del Fuego 'the final chapter' Porvenir to Ushuaia

CHILE | Tuesday, 3 May 2011 | Photo Gallery

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The Argentine Lakes district, Paso Huahum to Futaleufu

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 1 Jan 2011 | Views [3368]

16/12/10 - 30/12/10 600 km link to picasa photo album After a nice boat ride over Lago Pirihueico we ride back into Argentina. The border crossing is a quiet one, and since we are riding eastbound, we have a strong wind with us. The change ... Read more >

Tags: alerces, bariloche, beaches, cycling companions, el bolson, san martin de los andes, te gales

Photos: The Argentine Lakes District

ARGENTINA | Friday, 31 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

Clear skies and blue lakes
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The Araucania Temuco to Puerto Fuy, Chile

CHILE | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [8170] | Comments [5]

2/12/10 to 16/12/10                                            440km Arriving on the night bus from Santiago to Temuco we awoke to the unfamiliar sound of rain on the road and grey gloomy skies. We had arrived in the south we had wanted to be for ... Read more >

Tags: araucaria, biking, chile, hiking, volcanoes

Photos: The Araucania, Temuco to Puerto Fuy

CHILE | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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San Pedro de Atacama to Salta (over Paso Jama)

ARGENTINA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Views [3933] | Comments [4]

8/10/10 to 15/10/10                                                              609 km In San Pedro another longer than planned stay mostly waiting for my irritated right eye to clear up. I had been experiencing irritation and sensitivity ... Read more >

Tags: altiplano, argentina, biking, chile

Photos: San Pedro de Atacama to Salta, Argentina (over Paso Jama)

ARGENTINA | Monday, 18 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama (via the Lagunas Route)

BOLIVIA | Friday, 1 Oct 2010 | Views [6162] | Comments [3]

14/9/10 to 30/9/10           526 of the roughest, sandiest and washboarded kms of our trip After the ‘Bolivia weaving detour’ we returned to Uyuni eager to tackle the infamous ‘Lagunas route’, a challenging route through the south west ... Read more >

Tags: altiplano, bolivia, lagunas route, wildlife

Photos: Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama (the Lagunas Route)

BOLIVIA | Friday, 1 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Lago Chungara to Uyuni (the northern Chilean hotsprings route and crossing the salares)

BOLIVIA | Monday, 6 Sep 2010 | Views [6891] | Comments [8]

Lago Chungara to Uyuni (northern Chilean hotsprings route and crossing the salares) 13/8/10 to 24/8/10                      483km Well, what a difference it made to be in Chile! The strong westerly winds had still been there when we set off from ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, chile, hotsprings, salar, volcanos, wildlife

Photos: Lago Chungara to Uyuni

BOLIVIA | Monday, 6 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Ayacucho to Cusco and the Sacred Valley, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Views [6497]

Ayacucho to Cusco and the Sacred Valley of the Incas 12/6/10 to 29/6/10        606 km (total 24200 km) Link to Picasa gallery When we rode out of Ayacucho we knew we had a huge task ahead of us to reach Cusco on this notoriously difficult ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, peru

Photos: Ayacucho to Cusco and the Sacred Valley of the Inca, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 8 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Recuay to Ayacucho, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010 | Views [2840] | Comments [1]

Recuay to Ayacucho 14th of may - 9th of june 2010 866 km link to photo gallery on picasa Our bikes are looking flash: new tyres, grips, and blinking clean. Ready for another beating in the Peruvian Andes..... We leave Recuay ... Read more >

Photos: Recuay to Ayacucho, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Galapagos Islands, Otovalo market and Volcan Cotopaxi, a family holiday

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 1 Jun 2010 | Views [3216]

On one hand a journey like this seems an endless holiday. On the other hand, the cycling makes for hard work and a long time without seeing family or friends. So, in a way, we have just had a holiday inside a holiday, visiting Ecuador a second time, ... Read more >

Tags: family holiday, galapagos, wildlife

Photos: Galapagos Islands, Otovalo market and Volcan Cotopaxi, a family holiday

ECUADOR | Monday, 31 May 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Cajamarca to Recuay, Peru

PERU | Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 | Views [4529]

26/3/10 to 22/4/10         726km Retracing our steps from Cajamarca back towards Los Baños del Inca for 5km we then took the 'Carretera longitudinal de la Sierra' towards Cajabamba and Huamachuco on our back route journey across the sierra ... Read more >

Tags: peru

Photos: Cajamarca to Recuay, Peru

PERU | Saturday, 24 Apr 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Somewhere under a rainbow...afternoon thunderstorms on the slope

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