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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "volcanoes".

The Araucania Temuco to Puerto Fuy, Chile

CHILE | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [8194] | Comments [5]

2/12/10 to 16/12/10                                            440km Arriving on the night bus from Santiago to Temuco we awoke to the unfamiliar sound of rain on the road and grey gloomy skies. We had arrived in the south we had wanted to be for ... Read more >

Tags: araucaria, biking, chile, hiking, volcanoes

Lago de Atitlan, Volcan Pacaya and Antigua

GUATEMALA | Tuesday, 7 Jul 2009 | Views [3557]

Xela to Lago de Atitlan, our overland trekking adventure. Rina and Lior our fearless guides from Quetzaltrekkers, led us over the mountains, past a highland town called 'Alaska', through cloud forests, past highland villages, past treacherous landslides, ... Read more >

Tags: colonial towns, guatemala, trekking, volcanoes

Guadalajara to Oaxaca

MEXICO | Tuesday, 12 May 2009 | Views [3317] | Comments [3]

13/4/09 - 7/5/09 Guadalajara to Oaxaca 1204 km The days in Guadalajara with Nobu, Hiro and Ken fly past. They are captivated by the city with its climbing wall, cinema and skate boarding and decide to stay longer, while we get back in the saddle, ... Read more >

Tags: cactus, cycling, desert, mexico, swine flu, volcanoes

Mazatlan to Guadalajara... lagoons, volcanoes, agave and tequila

MEXICO | Friday, 10 Apr 2009 | Views [5481] | Comments [6]

30/3/09 - 7/4/09 Mazatlan to Guadalajara  534 km After nearly two months off the bike, we saddled up and rode out of warm and sticky Mazatlan where we had enjoyed a tranquil time with our amiga Chamely and her puppy ‘Blitz’. Mazatlan itself was ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, birds, boat trips, cycling, mexico, pacific coast, tequila, volcanoes, wildlife

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Somewhere under a rainbow...afternoon thunderstorms on the slope

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