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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "hiking".

The Araucania Temuco to Puerto Fuy, Chile

CHILE | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [8170] | Comments [5]

2/12/10 to 16/12/10                                            440km Arriving on the night bus from Santiago to Temuco we awoke to the unfamiliar sound of rain on the road and grey gloomy skies. We had arrived in the south we had wanted to be for ... Read more >

Tags: araucaria, biking, chile, hiking, volcanoes

Cuenca to the Peruvian border

ECUADOR | Thursday, 25 Mar 2010 | Views [4173] | Comments [2]

20/2/10 - 6/3/10  25km hiking and 419km biking (total 21352 km) Cajas National Park is a high paramo wonderland of stunning lakes, black rocky peaks, glacial valleys, waterfalls, golden grassy vegetation, amazing alpine flora, wildlife ... Read more >

Tags: cycling, cycling companions, ecuador, hiking

Banff to Missoula...the great north parks and big sky country

USA | Thursday, 25 Sep 2008 | Views [6971]

After a chilly week tent bound with the flu in Banff, and spending time with friends, it was time for us to hit the road again with winter nipping at our heels and a lot of mountains between us and the desert country. As soon as we left Banff along ... Read more >

Tags: adventure cycling association, canada, cycling, cycling friends, hiking, montana, national parks, usa, wildlife

Sea to Sky Highway, Icefields Parkway and the Dave Matthews Band

CANADA | Sunday, 7 Sep 2008 | Views [5513] | Comments [12]

We said goodbye to Vancouver in style, cruising the harbor with Tas (Ali's former housemate) and Scarlett in their little yacht. It suddenly turned really hot for a few days, and we sweated our way up  the Sea to Sky highway, from Vancouver to Squamish ... Read more >

Tags: canada, cycling friends, glaciers, hiking, icefields parkway, mountains, usa, wildlife

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Somewhere under a rainbow...afternoon thunderstorms on the slope

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