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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

Two Months in Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 11 Jun 2007 | Views [120]

Hi All, Well, no photos today and not much news either. Its been a rather slow week past, with not too much going on. Still persisting with the internet cafe computer, broken buttons and all. Perhaps biggest achievment in the last week was the granting ... Read more >

New House, Thai Police Station and a Bout of Food Poisoning

THAILAND | Monday, 4 Jun 2007 | Views [146]

Ok, before I begin, I am using a computer in a internet cafe with a broken space bar and dodgy shift key...please forgive what may be a very gramatically challenged entry. Well as the title suggests we had an rather interesting weekend! We moved into ... Read more >

Hello Tropical Island!

THAILAND | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [142]

I had my first visit to a tropical island on Saturday and OH MY GOSH, I can definately handle more of that. Saturday morning we headed off in the car for a few hours drive south to Ko Samet. Then onto a crazy pink ferry for a 40 mintue trip over to ... Read more >

We Found a House!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 22 May 2007 | Views [135]

On Saturday morning, Mike and I went and had a look at a townhouse for rent, and in less than two weeks we think we have found a place to live! Its really big, nice and we are pretty pleased with ourselves! Its a 4 storey brand new, never lived in townhouse.... Read more >

Living Expat Style

THAILAND | Friday, 18 May 2007 | Views [164]

Hi All, Well not even two weeks in and we are off to swiss it up with fellow expat couples. Thats right, tonight Mike and I will be joining the Australian New Zealand Womens Society somewhere in Bangkok for a night of food, fun, laughter, meeting new ... Read more >

One Week Down!

THAILAND | Sunday, 13 May 2007 | Views [138]

One week down and we are doing pretty good! Still surprised at how easy we have adjusted to the crazy, chaotic, hot, humid, stinky and really easygoing Thai lifestyle. May be beginners luck, but so far doing really good. Last few days have been pretty ... Read more >

Muay Thai Boxing

THAILAND | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [152]

Well, still so far so good. Still no dramas, events or any problems. Moving cities, countries and continents is easy! Lets hope our good luck continues. Starting to realise a few `thai` quirks. The water taps in our apartment have no temperatur control.... Read more >

Sawadee ka, Safe and Sound in Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 7 May 2007 | Views [271]

Well we are here. After a rather hungover and for Tara sick 9-hour flight, we arrived at our new `home` for the next two years! Our Romance Apartment is great. Very elegant and will certainly do for the next few weeks. Two bathrooms, one each and our ... Read more >

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