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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

Slacker Me - November already!

THAILAND | Monday, 9 Nov 2009 | Views [639] | Comments [1]

  Hi All, I have been very slow in getting another post up, sorry about that! Just saw the last one was written in August! Time has flown by as usual and Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas trees have already been popping ... Read more >

Gallery: Aug-Sep-Oct-Nov Fun!

THAILAND | Monday, 9 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

A bit of everything!
See all 10 photos >>

Gallery: Fuji Rock Festival

JAPAN | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Muddy, wet fun!
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Gallery: Hoi An - Vietnam

VIETNAM | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Sneaky July Long Weekend
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Turning Japanese

THAILAND | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [365]

Hi All, Just a quick holler to check in. I have lots of photos I wanted to add for you all. We have been around everywhere in July! A big month for holidays. Whilst most of you have been trying to keep warm down under, we have been sweating it up ... Read more >

March, June Gone - Hello July!

THAILAND | Thursday, 25 Jun 2009 | Views [472]

Hi Everyone, Its been a while but I have lots of excuses. I have been travelling so much and work is craziness. Mike and I have been like ships in the night. We are in Bangkok for a little while now, which is nice! I had a HUGE work trip to lots ... Read more >

Gallery: Erupting Volcanoes in Japan!

THAILAND | Thursday, 30 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

Quick Hi!

THAILAND | Thursday, 30 Apr 2009 | Views [471]

Hi, Quick note to say Hi! Things here are good. A few nutty protesters causing chaos. We were fine and on the upside - makes a few things go our way. Extra public holidays, cheap hotels and flights because all the tourists are too scared to come ... Read more >

Gallery: March Stuff

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

Gina and Mary in BKK and travels!
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March 2009 Updates!!!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [468]

Well, I can't believe that its already a 1/4 into the year. Its been a busy few months for Mike and I. Since I last wrote in 'outback' China, I have been to New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Australia again and back to Bangkok. I also went to 3 weddings, ... Read more >

Gallery: Tassie Crew in Thailand

THAILAND | Friday, 13 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Fun Fun Holidays - sorry added over 100 photos and dont have time to re-arrange them...sorry!
See all 106 photos >>

Finally some pictures!

CHINA | Friday, 13 Feb 2009 | Views [479]

Hi Everyone, I know I am slack, slack with putting the pics up from Mum and Rick's trip out here. I have been flat out since they left. Work is a mad house at the moment. I am actually writing this from China! From a small town of just 1 million people ... Read more >

Gallery: Bits and Pieces

THAILAND | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

Just some work pictures for you to check out!
See all 10 photos >>

Christmas is here!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Views [346] | Comments [1]

Hi Everyone, Just a quick note to say hi and Merry Christmas! Gosh, I can't believe it's here already! We have a great Christmas day planned here in Bangkok. We are off the hang out with our Welsh mates James and Lian and all their family who have ... Read more >

Gallery: Tokyo Work Trip!

JAPAN | Monday, 1 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 48 photos >>

Trapped in and Stuck out!

THAILAND | Monday, 1 Dec 2008 | Views [590]

  Hi Everyone, I thought I had better give a bit of an update after all the chaos that's happening here at the moment. I am sure you have all seen the news that the mad PAD protestors have taken over the airports in Bangkok and ... Read more >

Gallery: Ayuttahya

THAILAND | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

A day trip with cooking, a boat cruise and old ruins!
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Gallery: Kanchanaburi

THAILAND | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

A night out of Bangkok with the oldies
See all 42 photos >>

Gallery: Mike's 30th

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
See all 39 photos >>

Mike's Birthday and other stuff

THAILAND | Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Views [383]

Hi All, Well, its been ages (months actually!) since I last wrote anything or added any pictures. The other site tried to charge me more money so I have moved to this site. I managed to bring some stuff over from the other site but not really any ... Read more >

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