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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

Hello Tropical Island!

THAILAND | Monday, 28 May 2007 | Views [144]

I had my first visit to a tropical island on Saturday and OH MY GOSH, I can definately handle more of that. Saturday morning we headed off in the car for a few hours drive south to Ko Samet. Then onto a crazy pink ferry for a 40 mintue trip over to the island. Once your on the island you have to either hire a scooter to get around or hop on the back of a truck that whips you around the island on a dodgy dirt track to your selected beach! There are quite a few beaches to plop yourself on, but as we were only on a day trip we went to the closest to the ferry stop, which is also the most popular with tourists. But that said, we still had a big area of beach to ourselves and the beach was nice and clean. Blue skies, white sand and clear water at about 26 degress certainly saw us do not much more that sit on deck chairs, with a few beers to see the day through. Little Thai people walk up and down the beach trying to sell you anything from coconuts to henna tattoos to massages! We had lunch at a little restuarant/pub actually on the beach, really good thai food and a bit of doof coming through the speakers! Did I meantion the beers were only $1...A great day spent at the beach that I absolutely will be visiting again sometime soon! Next time, we wil stay over and explore the other beaches further out, apparently the crowds thin out even more as you head down the island! Ah tropical island! I took lots of photos, so you can all visualise what Im talking about!

Mike is off on his first work trip tomorrow. Off to Malaysia and Singapore till Friday. So Ill be flying solo for a few days for the first time since landing in Bangkok. Had to happen sooner or later as you all know, but with the move into our new place coming at the end of the week, I have a little bit to occupy myself with!

The new house is all on track. Hopefully, we will be signing the contract in just a few hours. We went and checked it out yesterday, as the landlord is adding the final touches to the place. The Thai`s definately have a strange idea about some things. The kitchen in our little house is tiny, yet they put an air conditioner in the kitchen but not in one of the bedrooms or the main living space. With overnight temperatures at about 26-27 degress, a cool kitchen no bigger than a matchbox, is the least of our worries! Its all part of the process though, and fingers crossed we will be in there in a few days. We want to have a housewarming party, but as we know maybe max 5 people here, we might wait till someone comes and visits us!

I am constantly surprised by how cheap this place is. It was HOT HOT yesterday so we escaped to the cinema to watch a movie. It cost us aus$12 for tickets and popcorn, normally that means the end of $50 in Sydney! Just before the movie started, everyone in the audience stood up to listen to some anthem/song about the King while watching pictures of smiling Thai`s, some water god and the King out and about. Strange...

I think thats all I have to say...hope your all well, miss you all heaps - tara xx

p.s Happy Birthday Penny!



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