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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

Two Months in Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 11 June 2007 | Views [123]

Hi All,

Well, no photos today and not much news either. Its been a rather slow week past, with not too much going on. Still persisting with the internet cafe computer, broken buttons and all.

Perhaps biggest achievment in the last week was the granting of our visas. We were a little worried about this, well mine anyway because we are not married we thought i might not be able to get a year visa. Someone told Mike that with a stat declaration from the embassy to say that we are a defacto couple and in Australia that is like a marriage, the Thai government gave his partner a visa. So we tried it, everyone told us it wouldnt work, but it did! So in the eyes of the Thai folk, Mike and I are husband and wife! ha, well not really, but it worked and we are both legal for 12 months so thats good news!

I finally managed how to send something through the post office. Mary let us know if it turns up! I cleaned the house today and it took me bloody ages. Mike said we can get a maid when I get a job, so I need to get that sorted real soon! Bugger cleaning four toilets! Plus I would feel somewhat guilty sitting around doiing nothing waiting for the maid to finish!!

On the job front, I have an interview in two weeks with an animal feed company here. Not too sure how it will go, but its a start and as mentioned, with a job comes the maid!

Mike and I went to a great little place here on Saturday night. The coolest bar/restaurant I have been to on ages. Its called "To die for" and it was so cool! We were hanging out with all the funky Thai people! We have found some great spots here that we cant wait to show off to people! JD is here next week and we are both excited about that. We think we might head off to the Tropical island for a few days!!! How nice.

Looks like all in chaos in Australia, lucky we got out in time! The CNN news love to give new snippets of Australia under attack from God. We hope your vineyard is ok Chris.

Ok, once again this computer has got the better of me. Stupid keys. So I will be off. Love you all xxx



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