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Pictures and Stories from our Time in Thailand

Muay Thai Boxing

THAILAND | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [154]

Well, still so far so good. Still no dramas, events or any problems. Moving cities, countries and continents is easy! Lets hope our good luck continues. Starting to realise a few `thai` quirks. The water taps in our apartment have no temperatur control. No cold or hot, just varying degrees of luke warm. That may take a little while to get used to. Apparently its going to rain every day until September, at the moment it rains for most of the morning. It gets worse Mike just told me. Soon we wont be able to catch taxi`s because the streets all flood and there is water everywhere. I think I might go and invest in some gumboots and an umbrella. Hello wet season. Not too many of them in Tassie.

Mike has bought a car, a big, black almost new black Toyota Hilux dual cab monster of a thing. He picks it up next week so he is hiring a car today to `practice` driving. Best to practice in a hire car. Im not really looking to forward to being a passenger during this driving experiment. The roads here are crazy and the only way to get through traffic is to barge on. With a big black 4 wheel drive that should be easy, but I feel a few tense moments coming up.

Last night we went to a Muay Thai boxing match. It was crazy. A few of Mikes work folk were up here for meetings and we all went along to watch a little Thai men box each other. Someone arranged ring side seats (I sat in row 2 not wanting to be too close to the action or the blood) and we watched about 7 or so boxng matches. Having never been to a boxing game before, I couldnt believe that they were actually hurting each other. I though it would all be soft and just getting points. But being so close, I could actully hear the kicks, knees, hands, elbows, feet, head everything connecting. No part of the body isnt in the opponents sight and they will use any means to hit them! We could actually see parts of their bodies going red as more kicks and punches were landing on them. Some little kids came out, no more than 13 or 14 and we bashing the absolute day lights out of each other. One eventually got knocked out and taken away on a stretcher. There were two knockouts for the night, out of about seven fights - Great odds! Before the fighting starts the boxers are all dressed up in flowers, headbands all sorts of stuff and they prance around the ring to this crazy music coming from somewhere praying and stretching and doing all sorts of stuff. The fighters are really nice to each other before, during and after the match - so thats really nice, when they just go mad trying to box each other to near death. The crowd do this weird chat thing wheneve the fighters manage to get a kick or punch in, making the whole stadium thing sound like some type of crazy cult gathering. But heaps of fun and thank goodness, only a small nose bleed from one guy.

Planning to look at a few places to move in the next few days. Houses, townhouses and apartments. Mike is off to play squash tonight...stay posted for the photos of that one, Mike in his brand, new Nike badmittion shoes!

Well, best be off. Thanks for all the messages, its great to hear from you all. My mobile is now up and running. We are both really good and having fun with all this new stuff going on.

Miss you all.

Until, next time....



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