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solbeam Equipped with backpack, blog and her sense of Wonder, a perpetual pilgrim wanders aimfully on....


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A Final Footprint in Peru: conclusion

PERU | Monday, 27 Aug 2007 | Views [2801] | Comments [1]

Before we leave the village of Quelqanqa , we take one last tour of the sites laying (quite physical) tribute to the successes of our manual labor. We walk down the valley to visit the new stone bridge and ... Read more >

Tags: footprints, peru, philosophy of travel

Footprints in Peru, Day 8: one stone at a time

PERU | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [1341]

Our first mistake is thinking that we’ve come to organize and/or manage; our first lesson is realizing that the locals coordinating this project are professionally skilled and competent, and that the most valuable things we really have to offer are ... Read more >

Tags: culture, footprints, peru

Footprints in Peru, Day 7: walking a fine line

PERU | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [2469] | Comments [1]

“Oh! It’s just so beautiful! To live in this amazing valley, pulling your meals from your garden, surrounded by your extended family, breathing fresh Andes air with views of glaciated peaks out your windows, all while living so close to the ground and ... Read more >

Tags: andes, footprints, history & politics, peru

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