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solbeam Equipped with backpack, blog and her sense of Wonder, a perpetual pilgrim wanders aimfully on....


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "on the road".

a creative life

INDIA | Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 | Views [1474]

For about six months I've been feeling something shifting inside of me. I can only compare the sensation to being made of sand; where every move I make shifts a million grains into a new order that fills the holes and packs down to take the shape of ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

days debrief

INDIA | Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [1402]

For most Westerners, it's unfathomable for a major city to function without 24-hour electricity. Yet like the monsoon rains on their mission to Ganga-ji (respected river), the 1.3 million people who live here in Varanasi somehow always manage to ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Midnight Monsoon

INDIA | Monday, 18 Dec 2006 | Views [1432]

pouring. drenching. pounding. drowning. rain. When I was in Pune, they asked me, “Did it rain in the North, in Mumbai, when you were there?” When I was in Goa, they asked me, “Did it rain in the North, ... Read more >

Tags: midnight, monsoon, on the road

la petite fille

FRANCE | Wednesday, 27 Sep 2006 | Views [1292]

I try to hunch into the longer shadows cast by the spotlight. Then I try turning around and searching for some speaker or spectacle that might give me more shade. I quickly realize that all my efforts to remain anonymous are about to abandon me when, ... Read more >

Tags: france, on the road

love, picasso, parades & pilgrimage

FRANCE | Monday, 18 Sep 2006 | Views [1483]

So for the record, I am now officially giving exact change, correctly ordering vegetarian food, and making it three or (sometimes!) even four sentences deep into conversations. It’s probably not particularly exciting for anyone else, but these are ... Read more >

Tags: on the road

a piss-er

INDIA | Saturday, 7 May 2005 | Views [1236]

...that I'm so busy closing the semester and preparing the students for an American-reality re-integration, that I haven't had time to type. But I'll be heading solo-style to Southern India this week and my fingers will finally again find their ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

practitioner of Pilgrimism

CHINA | Wednesday, 6 Apr 2005 | Views [4219]

Out of meditation retreat and back to tracking the footsteps of the prophetic pilgrims themselves! An update is on the way. In the meantime, I thought I'd share my backpack book stack... The Secrets of Francis of Assisi: A Meditation by Christian ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, tibet

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