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Berlin July 3-4

SPAIN | Thursday, 4 Jul 2013 | Views [243]

July 3 was a lazy day did some catching up after several days of traveling and sight seeing. Mailed some postcards. Cindy worked on our renovtion project for our new house in Arizona. Went out fr a nice lunch @ the Dreigut restaurant a very nice local ... Read more >

Berlin-July 2nd

SPAIN | Tuesday, 2 Jul 2013 | Views [264]

Weather looks good today so planning a bike tour of Berlin. We did one in Paris and it was excellant. Will see the major sites like the topography of terror, museum island, Berlin Wall, Reichstag,Ceck point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate and others . We will ... Read more >

Photos: Berlin Germany

GERMANY | Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Berlin Germany- June 30-July 1st

SPAIN | Sunday, 30 Jun 2013 | Views [293]

We arrived in Berlin last evening about 7 pm after a long day. Flew through Zurich ( $5 Coke Zero yikes!!!) and tthe Koln and finally to Berlin. Staying @ the Citadines Apartment Hotel for the week ( part of our time share ) .. nice room with a kitchen.... Read more >

Last day in Santiago

SPAIN | Saturday, 29 Jun 2013 | Views [264]

A pretty relaxed day with a nice breakfast at the hotel this morning. Then off to do some laundry and to attend the Pilgrim mass and tour the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostello as well as  the tomb of St. James. Had a nice lunch, bought some souveniers ... Read more >

15th and Final day on the Camino

SPAIN | Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 | Views [327] | Comments [1]

Hard to believe only about 18kms to go after our 15 day trek. It has been a wonderful experience hwalking the beautiful countryside, meeting people along the way from all walks of life , from all many places around the globe, and having time to discuss ... Read more >

day 14 on the Camino

SPAIN | Thursday, 27 Jun 2013 | Views [259]

day 14 is completed as we walked about 12 miles from Arzua to Rua a fairly easy trek. A nice lunch along the way and reached here about 4 pm this afternoon. We are in a quaint little  stone hotel in a small but comfortable room. Only about 11 miles ... Read more >

Day 12 & 13 On the Camino

SPAIN | Monday, 24 Jun 2013 | Views [322] | Comments [1]

Nice sunny and clear day in Portomarin as wehead off to Palace do Rei about  25 kms away.  Both of us are feeling a little tired today but hopefully when we get started the tiredness  will wear off. At the end of the day today we should ... Read more >

Day 11 on the Camino

SPAIN | Monday, 24 Jun 2013 | Views [273]

started about 9:30 this morning from Sarria.. cool but sunny . The day was wonderful wit meeting many people along the way with their wn story for doing the Camino . Sarria is about 100 km from the finish and many people start here so they get their ... Read more >

Day 10 on the Camino

SPAIN | Sunday, 23 Jun 2013 | Views [260]

Just finished 22 kms or about 13.7 miles and arrived Sarria and are staying @ the Alfonso IX hotel near the centre of town. Lovely weather today and stunning scenery along the way which was very much up and down so the legs a bit tired.We are about 110 ... Read more >

Day 8&9 on the Camino

SPAIN | Saturday, 22 Jun 2013 | Views [271]

No internet yesterday so no update,, In the last 2 days we have coverd some 56 kms or 35 miles and are well past the half way mark to Santiago. Weather has been cool and rainy at times so had to dress in layers and have rain gear handy. Tonght we are ... Read more >

Day 7 on the Camino- Villafranca del Bierzo ~~ 22kms

SPAIN | Tuesday, 18 Jun 2013 | Views [282]

 it is actually June 19th .. posted the title last night....just finishing breakfast b4 heading out . Weather cool but clear ..will be a long day of just over 13 miles. Should arrive our next destination around 3 pm. So gotta go...will update later ... Read more >

Day 6 on the Camino- to Ponferrada

SPAIN | Tuesday, 18 Jun 2013 | Views [275]

110 kms done!.. 35%.. long 18 mile day yesterday. Legs a little tired so it is good we only have to go 10kms or so today. Weather rmuch improved .. cool but sunny. Great  breakfast at the hotel this morning and the guys here were great.. excellant ... Read more >

day 5 on the Camino - to Molinaesca

SPAIN | Monday, 17 Jun 2013 | Views [294]

Chilly, rainy and 24 kms ahead of us today. Just finishing breakfast and about to head out. From people we have met it was raining earlier last week so not unexpected.. it is part of the experience.. can not control the weather which has been stunning ... Read more >

Day 4 on The Camino- to Rabanal del Camino

SPAIN | Sunday, 16 Jun 2013 | Views [394]

Just finishing breakfast before heading out to Rabanal del Camino about 20 Kms away. Weather is sunny and coolish with a clear sky. Very nice hotel and typical European breakfast. Well gotta hit the trail... unfortunately Cindy has picked up a cold so ... Read more >

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