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World Travels We gotta get outta this town.... Someplace warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano....

Gallery: Dublin

IRELAND | Monday, 23 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Last Entry

IRELAND | Monday, 23 Nov 2009 | Views [490]

As some of you already know I was in Dublin last week for a few days.  I will upload the photos shortly. The weather wasn't very good when I was their but I didn't let the wainy weather stop me. (That's a combination of windy and rainy). I don't know ... Read more >

Gallery: Dublin Zoo

IRELAND | Sunday, 22 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Sealife Aquarium

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Still Kickin

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Views [952]

Sorry it has been, once again, a long time since I have written anything. I don't have the internet at the place we are staying and the library connection is spotty at best. Not much has been going on over here. I've been studying a little bit and watchin ... Read more >

Gallery: Madame Tussauds

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: London

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

Around London
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Gallery: Hindu Parade

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Cars

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

London Dealerships
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UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 4 Oct 2009 | Views [592] | Comments [3]

So we are in London. Well, just outside London so we could be closer to Ania's job. She works in a hotel restaurant in Ruislip. The place we are living isn't the best place but it's good enough for now. The town is an Indian town. About 95% of the ... Read more >

Crazy trip to Bialystok

POLAND | Saturday, 26 Sep 2009 | Views [1221] | Comments [2]

Ok, a warning for the three people that actually read my journal: this post is really long so when you read it make sure you have time. It turns out we are headed to London on Monday. We were going to stay in a friend of Ania’s place while he was ... Read more >

Tags: bialystok

It's Been Such A Long Time

POLAND | Monday, 21 Sep 2009 | Views [747] | Comments [2]

Ok, honestly. Who thought of Boston when they read the title? Speaking of epic songs by amazingly awesome groups, I heard a techno remix of none other than Journey's Don't Stop Believin' when I was at the gym Saturday. Seriously, is their any other song ... Read more >

Pickin Spuds

POLAND | Thursday, 10 Sep 2009 | Views [562]

As the title suggests I picked potatoes all day. Ania's Uncle has a little farm and they all help him pick the potatoes at the end of the season. It was fun. While we were in the field their cat had her babies and we were all excited to get back to see ... Read more >

The Swan and Me

POLAND | Wednesday, 9 Sep 2009 | Views [575]

It was a pretty uneventful day so Ania and I decided to go for a walk. We were walking around this lake when we came across a bunch of swans. We stopped to look at them when the only male started to hiss at us. I didn't even know swans hissed. I wanted ... Read more >


POLAND | Monday, 7 Sep 2009 | Views [647]

We went to Bialystok (the l is suppose to have a diagonal line through it and is pronounced as an english w) yesterday. We were going to go to yoga in the morning and then head to the mall and eventually go see The Final Destination in 3D that afternoon.... Read more >

Tags: bialystok

Lucky Me

POLAND | Friday, 4 Sep 2009 | Views [674] | Comments [1]

I must be the luckiest person alive right now. So the other day Ania's cousin Karoline called her and asked if I could help her translate something. I of course agreed, so we meet up with her at a local pub that night. Turns out she wants me to read two ... Read more >

Gallery: Sokolka

POLAND | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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POLAND | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [657] | Comments [1]

So the tub I have been taking a "shower" in every day is just about 3 feet long. If you don't already know, I am about 6'4" so it's a little awkward. Can you imagine? Well, most of you probably don't want to imagine me taking a bath ... Read more >

Early morning swim, relatively

POLAND | Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [684]

I went to the pool again today. Today also marked the first day of school in Poland along with a change in hours for the pool, which now opens at 6. I, however, didn't go until 8. Still, I was the only one in the pool. It was kinda nice. Oh, and here ... Read more >

Tags: swimming

August 31st

POLAND | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [642]

Went to the pool today to do laps. I got exhausted a lot faster than I expected. I am going to try and swim five times a week to help facilitate my quest of getting into shape. We'll see how that goes:) I also bought a nifty swim cap and goggles to ... Read more >

Tags: swimming

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