Another severely retroactive posting, another flag to the photo galleries.
Inspired by one of my favourites profs at Guelph, Renee Sylvain, I finally made it to Africa after years of dreaming of savannahs and jungles. I was in the South African side of the Kalahari for about 6 weeks, living with a tiny =Khomani San community in Askham, and then met up with my surprisingly adventurous mother for a 2-week road trip around the country.

In the Kalahari, I was volunteering in the community and working on some independent research on community-based conservation and international environmental and human rights law. I fell in love in several ways and promised my return to many people. Though it's been delayed a bit by the upcoming stint in Tajikistan, not a day goes by that I don't think about the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of the people and animals in that stunning little corner of the world...