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On the Road "The purpose of life lies at the intersection of the heart's deepest desires, the mind's keenest talents, and the world's greatest needs."

Trip: Dushanbe-Cairo Overland '09

There are [60] stories from my trip: Dushanbe-Cairo Overland '09

The Turkish Horse Whisperer

TURKEY | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [5621] | Comments [1]

I have found a(nother) home away from home. Cappadocia truly is a magical place, especially once you settle into the local way of life, whiling away your days with horses and your nights with friends and homemade wine. Life here is good. So good, ... Read more >

Fairy Chimneys and Tagalong Pups

TURKEY | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [3790] | Comments [1]

Some people can't travel without a complete itinerary outlining every minute of every day - No Changes Allowed. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I've adopted a different style. If an interesting person presents me with an interesting ... Read more >

Kurdish Delights

TURKEY | Friday, 31 Jul 2009 | Views [4420] | Comments [2]

Travel warnings for southeast Turkey included rape, murder, religious extremism, and terrorism. Even one of the locals I befriended warned me not to trust anyone (horror movie, anyone??). I guess I was pretty lucky, then, to have emerged unscathed from ... Read more >

Turtle hunting on hallowed ground

TURKEY | Tuesday, 28 Jul 2009 | Views [3331] | Comments [2]

My first few days in Turkey taught me that sometimes when backpacking you seem to spend about 70% of your time on public transit and only 30% at your intended destination. Thankfully Turkey has some incredible things to see and do... and a wicked long-... Read more >


GEORGIA | Saturday, 25 Jul 2009 | Views [1362]

April 20: From buzzkill Poti to port-side Batumi With tearful goodbyes from Tako and her mother and grandparents, I set off from Kutaisi for Poti. There’s admittedly not much going on in Poti, but I had read about the nearby Kolkheti ... Read more >

This ain't yer average Easter, folks

GEORGIA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Views [3210]

April 17: Family Matters I spent the 3-hr marschutka ride from Gori to Kutaisi texting a mystery woman whose family I would stay with but whose name I didn't even know. Drawing the old name-blank inevitably happens when you meet so many new people every ... Read more >

Gallery: Egypt - Alexandria & Red Sea

EGYPT | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: Ain Sokhna beach resort, return to Cairo, day trip to Alexandria via train
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Gallery: Egypt - Luxor & Area

EGYPT | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: Edfu Temple (on Father's Day!), Valley of the Kings, alabaster workshop, Queen Hatshepsut Temple, Colossi of Memnen, Karnak Temple, and Luxor Temple
See all 76 photos >>

Gallery: Egypt - Aswan & Area

EGYPT | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: overnight train to Aswan, felucca ride, Aswan Dam, 3-night cruise on the Nile with side-trips to Philae Temple, Abu Simbel (Ramses II complex), Kom Ombo Temple
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Gallery: Egypt - Cairo & Pyramids

EGYPT | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: meeting Dad in Cairo, dinner & show on Nile, pyramids and tombs at Dahshur and Saqqara, Giza pyramids and sphinx
See all 47 photos >>

Gallery: Jordan - Aqaba & Red Sea

JORDAN | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pics from my time in Aqaba taking a PADI certification course (underwater shots courtesy of my wonderful diving instructor)
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Gallery: Jordan - Wadi Rum

JORDAN | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Heather and I did a 4x4 tour in the Wadi Rum Reserve with 7 other people, camping out overnight and taking a camel ride the next day before heading to Aqaba
See all 100 photos >>

Gallery: Jordan - Petra

JORDAN | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

The ancient Nabataean capital, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the new wonders of the world, and the setting of "Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade"... PETRA!!
See all 77 photos >>

Gallery: Jordan - Amman, Jerash & Dead Sea

JORDAN | Tuesday, 14 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

One of my best friends from the good old days of high school flew out to meet me in Jordan - this gallery includes: Roman citadel and amphitheatre in Amman (capital), Roman ruins in Jerash, floating in the Dead Sea, snaps around Amman
See all 70 photos >>

Gallery: OPT - The West Bank

PALESTINE | Monday, 29 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: Hebron, Ramallah, Arafat's tomb, The Wall
See all 39 photos >>

Gallery: Israel - Jerusalem

ISRAEL | Monday, 29 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

A quick jaunt from Jordan into Jerusalem en route to the West Bank
See all 38 photos >>

Gallery: Lebanon - Beirut

LEBANON | Sunday, 28 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: American University of Beirut, dinner party at Alicia and Pat's, dinner with Yara's family, Harari Mosque, Jeita Grotto, seafood dinner in Jeibl, playtime with the kids in Yara's apartment and at the beach
See all 60 photos >>

Gallery: Lebanon - Palestinian refugee camps

LEBANON | Sunday, 28 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Lebanon - Sri Lankan immigrants

LEBANON | Sunday, 28 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Includes: visiting with domestic workers, church, fund-raiser at the Sri Lankan embassy (and coincidentally, a celebration of the end of the civil war)
See all 19 photos >>

Unable to escape the shadows of Gori's past

GEORGIA | Sunday, 31 May 2009 | Views [1211] | Comments [1]

April 15: Tbilisi As soon as I got back to the homestay in Tbilisi and pried myself away from the puppy , I made a beeline for the shower. There is something particularly glorious about having a hot shower after several days in a snow-covered ... Read more >

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