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On the Road "The purpose of life lies at the intersection of the heart's deepest desires, the mind's keenest talents, and the world's greatest needs."


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Children's Rights: 20 Years On

Monday, 23 Nov 2009 | Views [1058] | Comments [1]

November 20th marked the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. To date, 193 countries have ratified the Convention and significant progress has been made on several aims worldwide, including primary ... Read more >

"Free Media in Unfree Societies"

Thursday, 12 Feb 2009 | Views [634]

The tagline of RFE/RL ( www.rferl.org ), my new favourite source of news about Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Middle East, is a simple yet powerful mission about something that we take for granted in Canada: freedom to inform and be informed. With ... Read more >

The Great Debate

Thursday, 4 Dec 2008 | Views [687]

On Dec. 1, the second Munk Debate posed the following resolution to four esteemed panellists: “If countries like Sudan, Somalia, and Burma will not end their man-made humanitarian crises, the international community should…” The panellists in ... Read more >

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