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Living Outside the Box What is freedom for if not the chance to define for yourself who you are?

August 8 and a few other days

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 8 August 2013 | Views [522]

Going local.

Going local.

August 8, 2013

With using another Internet USB stick left by another volunteer, the connection is better today.  Lots of hard rain last night and drizzle now but I was able to catch a dry spell at 6am and bike along the sea.  I paused to watch the waves and smell the air.  There is no shortage of nature here.

This weekend will be a Kep weekend to hike more in the nat’l park and to get another Seeing Hands massage.

The resident black cat is carrying over her 3 kittens one by one from a storage room to the bunkhouse where us 4 volunteers stay.  Strange.  She did this on Sunday too and we had to flush out the kittens because they would keep us up all night with their meows and playing among the backpacks.  The kittens are still scared of us so it surprises me the mom cat wants to have them live with us.

Don’t forget to check out the Photo Albums.

August 7, 2013

Back again trying to do updates online but to no avail, it just ain’t happening.  I will be overwhelmed when I am back in the states and connection and speed are a non issue.

The math classes continue but the students are back and forth when they want to meet.  They prefer to meet during their English lesson time since they are here anyways but then they miss out on English.  This afternoon will be the final decision on times and with only 3 weeks left, I hope they decide it is important to come.  They do carry a lot of responsibilities at home with carrying for younger siblings, working in the fields, and helping out with grandparents.

August 3, 2013

All I can say is the Internet service provider I use, Metfone, leaves a lot to be desired.  Trying to get anything done on the Internet is a frustrating experience as it drops mostly out of connection.  My weekends are dedicated to the computer to get work done in various pleasant guesthouses but I suffer due to using a USB stick with a SIM card for connection that rarely works.

I guess this is what is going to get me over to the computer store down the street to see why “this computer does not have a wireless adapter installed and configured”.  It did last summer.  Oh, the joys of non-working technology.  

Another solution would be to drop the $260 to get an Asus Eee PC with wireless and a boat load of free software from the computer guy – you got to love these Asian computer shops were they are more than happy to give software.

The nightly mosquitoes are nipping at my feet and ankles which drives me batty so time to move along – eat when it is time to eat, and move along when it is time to move along.

For some really good photos on Cambodia, go to:


Signing off from The Columns in Kampot





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