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There are [92] photos and [4] stories about France

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France, southern style

Sunday, 23 Oct 2011 | Views [779]

After escaping the torrential rains in Italy, we coast along the French Riviera. Beautiful seascapes and palm lined boulevards but much too densely populated and processed for us, so we head inland to Provence. Ah, Provence is as sublime as they say.... Read more >

Photos: France, southern

Saturday, 22 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

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France: Vineyards and Cobblestones

Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Views [887]

Seeing fragments of Saints’ bones cherished in beautiful churches is, well…interesting. But seeing John the Baptiste’s head in the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Amiens is truly surreal. Negotiating a five-lane traffic circle at rush hour in Paris ... Read more >

Photos: France

Wednesday, 5 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

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