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Bird Feeding & Tree Top Walk

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 2 September 2006 | Views [3608]

[02 Sept 06]

O'Reillys is a great place to go for anyone, but specially for people visiting Australia. It offers a couple things no other place can. As part of the Goldcoast Hinterlands, it is a spectacular & breath taking rainforest. The drive up to O'Reillys Plateau is deceptively long, this is due to the fact it is a very winding road once near the end. And the last 20km so much that you can not travel more than 20km/h. Though this keeps the driver on their toes, it does give the passangers a chance to take in the fantastic wilderness & view that surrounds them. The drive is normal rainforest most of the way, but the last 5km or so is spectacularly beautiful, more lush, green & moist than the rest, like a totally different rainforest. The road how ever also gets wilder, so drivers beware of on coming traffic where the road narrows & trees. And all of a sudden, BAM, the brightness makes you squint, you've gone as far as you can go, the end of the road. There is a retreat up here that those with heavy pockets might be interested in, but don't be shy to go up, the cafe is open to all. Now if your in the know like me, you'll go straight to the cafe & buy a cheap paper bag of seeds (no don't eat it!). Head up to the little ring of seats round the paved area just outside the cafe area & stick out your hands.

Ok now you probably look like a fool, but if you put some seeds on your palms first you'll soon look like a nymph (a forest spirit), all the bird will fly into your arms. They will fight to be the one to land on your arm (one per hand).  (Gabor hand pictured at top of article) 


Now these birds are tropical parrots, cute, funny little guys that each have a different personality. They wait in the trees till seeds are on offer, then once you run out they scour the ground to find every last morsel.


Once you've had your fun there head on up hill, there is a sign that points to the 'Tree Top Walk'. You follow a boardwalk for a while, walk quietly and the more timid animals of this forest will be easier to spot. The 'Tree Top Walk' itself is a bridge suspended high above the forest floor, a great vantage point to get a different view of nature.   


Once you reach halfway there are 2 platforms above you connected by ladders, the first can hold 3 people, and the second 2. It offers a sky high view of the forest, and is an exilerating experience, up & down.    


Don't worry, as long as you don't exceed the limit you'll be fine, it's quite strong i'm sure. Securely fasted with metal to a sturdy tree, but grated to ensure maximum view, what a great idea. Its such a safe tree, you'll even find a possum nesting in one corner. 


What a fantastic experience for any bushwalker, how ever short it may be. On your way out be sure to drop some cash in the donation box, so that upkeep can be constant, incase you decide to show it to someone else on day, who knows, if they get enough they might even extend it. If you still haven't had enough then there are long bushwalks on offer too, but i will leave those till next time & just check out the Botanic Gardens at the end of this walk. The gardens are a bit unorganised, almost maze like, but ok.

Tags: The Great Outdoors



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