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Joalah National Park

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 20 August 2006 | Views [1746]

[20 Aug 06]

Although Joalah is about half the size of the other tracks, don't think it's only half as good, its actually one of the best to see. As you work your way along the track, its a beautifully wooded & vine entangled rainforest. But truely this track does have the most, & most tangled vines on Mt Tambourine. Take the top of this strangler fig for example:  

But after some minutes walking you came along the prize, Curtis Falls. Now don't ask me why they could not call this forest section Curtis, because i dunno, but it would make sence. But anyway, it's a beautiful little waterfall, about 15m high, with lush green ferns underneath its ledge. (also pictured at top of article)  

There used to be a track that lead to the top of the falls, but it closed. I would have none of that, so i climb the steep forest hillside, making my own way, and what would i come across but the oddest sight. Bush Turkeys in trees, who would have guessed they go up there? I've seen since i was 5 years old, but not once in a tree, they can't even fly that well. So to prove my case i knew i needed proof, so here is a photo of one, though there were a half dozen of startled turkeys (due to the unexpected person walking through). And for the people that didn't know, Bush Turkeys lay their eggs in piles of leaves they have gathered, a compost pile that creates heat (to keep the eggs warm), as the leaves breakdown. So i got a photo of one earlier along the track to show you that too.  


Once i reached the top, i felt like Indiana Jones, there were vine covered stairs, not used in ages, & a bridge that collapsed in the middle, making the only way to get across with a jump. It was exciting to be the only person to see it in such a long time. After a minute i made my way down to the ledge of the waterfall & saw what could not be seen from below, the cascades that lie before the actual falls, beautiful in themselfs. And arriving at the edge i leaned over & got a new angle on the falls.

After returing to the main track my partner & i headed to see what else this track had to offer & chanced upon a most fortunate meeting, it was an Echidna. These cute little guys are related to the Hedgehog & Porcupine, only they live in Australia. They have the same spiky protection & a very timid nature, he just wobbled through the foliage, and every now and then when we moved he'd tuck his little head in and freeze for 30 seconds.

This was both my partners & my first experiance of a wild one, so we were both very excited. But after a few minutes of admiring the little fellow we continued on our way so as not to scare him too much. The one unfortunate part of this track is it is cut off at about half way. It just ends at another award winningly large strangler fig, closed with orange strapping, but we had had enough for the day and so headed off to get great quality pies from the winery cafe bang in the middle of Gallery Walk.

Tags: Bushwalking SE Queensland



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