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A life less ordinary What started out as 12months in Sydney has turned into a great adventure - taking in Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and now 'home' in Dubai.

Photos: Halloween and house parties

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 29 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

Jason and Vanessa invited us over for a haunted house warming party - we went as Gory McIlroy and Britney Speared
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Photos: Octoberfest Mark II

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Friday, 28 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

This year we decided to do Octoberfest in style, the best place in town is the Grand Hyatt where you are greeting with sausage, beer, benches and a German Band!! I got a bit excited as you can see from the pics!!
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Photos: All things great - and we had visitors

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 18 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

Alex and Neil stopped by the on their way back to Scotland from Australia. We had a whirlwind 2 days, doing everything from Waterpark to Desert Safari, Steak at Atlantis and Deira. They brought a whole lotta luck as Ireland beat the Aussie in the rugby!!
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Fairly Busy

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011 | Views [428]

So it feels like the world had descended on Dubai after EID - everyone came back from their Summer holidays, the kids go back to school, everyone is back to working 'normal' hours - whatever they are...so you get the picture!! We've managed to start ... Read more >

Photos: Mini moons

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 4 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

Trying to fill Ramadan with small extensions of our honeymoon
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Back in Dubai

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 4 Sep 2011 | Views [494]

So back in Dubai we are submerged into the Holy month of Ramadam and 90% humidity. Basically that means everything is closed during the day - you can't get a beer until after 8pm and you can't do anything outdoors without dyeing from dehydration!! ... Read more >

Photos: Honeymoooon

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 28 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

4 gorgeous days at the amazing Ghillies Lodge on Alladale Estate in the Scottish Highlands was just what we needed.
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Photos: London Engagement pics and hen nights

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 28 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

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UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 28 Aug 2011 | Views [575]

Sooooo, goodbye Fenners, oh and Jo Walker  **sad face**. OOOooooo also I didn’t mention that we had some pictures done whilst we were in London – some ‘engagement’ pics – will try and upload them. We were really happy with them – they were great!! ... Read more >

Photos: May and June...

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 27 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

Engagement, Hong Kong, UK and goodbye Fenners :(
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Massive Catch up - Part Two

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 27 Aug 2011 | Views [478]

Where were we?!? Yes – so engaged mega excited – drunk and high as a kite. I slept for like 2 hours and was wide awake at 4 am....needless to say I was in event mode!! That morning we set out some parameters and agreed a date – in 12 weeks time!! ... Read more >

Photos: April interlude

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 27 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

The Jackson's in town
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Massive Catch up - Part One

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 27 Aug 2011 | Views [615]

OK so we have been VERY bad at updating this – 16 th April was our last upload!! However, when I tell you what we’ve been up to I hope we will be excused? April was a tough month – I was looking for work and getting a bit bogged down by it ... Read more >

Weekend Activities

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 16 Apr 2011 | Views [467]

So since my last post we have managed to part take in a few non music related things which has been pretty cool. This weekend Redbull X fighters were 'battling it out' in a stadium that had been built on the beach about a 10 minute walk from where ... Read more >

Photos: 'Cultural' Weekend Activities

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 16 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Beach, X fighters and Iranian food
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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 3 Apr 2011 | Views [816]

Dubai pretty much has it all going on, however if you've lived in amazing cities like London and Sydney you soon realise that what is going on here is nothing compared to what we've had!! Regardless of this fact each week Daire and I purchase the time ... Read more >

Photos: Cruising Visitors

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 3 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Remember 'New Zealand Road trip' that D, Redface and I took last year!? Well the lovely couple we stayed with in New Plymouth came to Dubai to board the QE2 to the UK. Whilst they were here we repaid their hospitality.
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Photos: Car booting

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Saturday, 2 Apr 2011 | Photo Gallery

Ever done car boots? Rock up, open the boot and sell your shit!! NOT IN DUBAI!! When Rebecca said she was going to sell all her crap I signed up as 1st assistant!! However - it was not as easy as it all sounded: there was no driving into position and ... Read more >
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Photos: Pork, Pancakes and post employment

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

March in a nutshell
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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Views [507]

Not done an update in a while - there's a fair amount to fill you in on so going to do it in short blasts. First one: PORK! For those that don't know, Dubai and all of the middle east are Muslims and therefore do not eat Pork. This means you cannot ... Read more >

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