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nomadnorrie From Sydney to the formula 1 grand prix in Shanghai, Beijing, South Korea, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine and Europe. Final destination by train is London. Hopping on a flight to Finland, then on to Japan and finally back to Sydney.


There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "Sightseeing".

Tropical China, wild elephants and an afternoon snooze

CHINA | Tuesday, 19 Feb 2008 | Views [3835]

Jinghong Xishuangbanna, it’s a tropical place where the soil is an appealing reddish brown colour, you can buy sweet corn flavoured ice lollies, elephants are on almost every corner (statues at least) and the afternoon snooze is high on the daily ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Two fighting Pandas and a Giant Buddha

CHINA | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [2122]

The giant Pandas in Chengdu are my favorite attraction in China so far. I stayed in Chengdu for 5 days thinking I could climb the nearby Emei mountain, the smaller Qingcheng mountain and visit the Giant Panda research base. The Pandas ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Pingyao, Xian, Wuhan, Yichang, Wushan and ChongQing

CHINA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2008 | Views [6767]

Finally I have found some time to sit down, have a breather and write something. Traveling by plane, train and boat, I went south from Beijing, then east and back west plotting an angular S on the map. My mad-looking route basically ensured that I ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Ice cold in Harbin & chilly in Shenyang

CHINA | Saturday, 12 Jan 2008 | Views [6093]

Shenyang I went to Shenyang principally to visit a museum called 18 September. In 1931 the Japanese occupied Shenyang from the north, the museum is supposed to be a very good place to see how the Japanese army treated the locals. I hopped off the ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


CHINA | Thursday, 3 Jan 2008 | Views [2367]

Trying to organise a place to stay in ShanHaiGuan before buying the train ticket caused a lot of confusion at my hotel. The day before leaving I wanted to book accommodation, that day the only English speaking staff member was not working. Trying to ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

The summer Palace in Beijing

CHINA | Sunday, 16 Dec 2007 | Views [6793]

I've not been doing much lately apart from going to Mandarin classes and watching classic Zhang Yimou (director of Hero) films at night. Today the weather was clear so I decided do something outside, although the sun was shining it made very little ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Beijing - Forbidden City

CHINA | Saturday, 13 Oct 2007 | Views [879]

I went for a stroll around the Forbidden City one Sunday afternoon. In the morning I'd been strolling around Tiananmen square and wandered north to the Forbidden City. The first thing that struck me is that the perimeter walls are so big, they are ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


CHINA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2007 | Views [6192]

I visited ZhouZhuang yesterday, it's a small town close to the Yangtze river about 80km from Shanghai. It's a pretty town with lots of canals and old buildings dating from the Ming dynasty. To get there I had to use a Shanghai tourist bus, the little ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

First day in Beijing

CHINA | Friday, 28 Sep 2007 | Views [1326]

I arrived in Beijing last night feeling very tired. My plans for today were to have a brief stroll around Tiananmen square, to work out how to use the underground and to find the language centre where I shall be studying Mandarin. I wanted to set the ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

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