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Long route home Our trip all the way home, trying to catch no planes and stay on the ground like civilised people. It's taking us via India all the way to Europe from Japan, the furthest of the Far East...

Photos: St Pete's

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Monday, 22 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

window onto Europe
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More musings on Indialand

INDIA | Sunday, 21 Nov 2010 | Views [463]

About India, society, religion and language It's hard to make sense, or draw one coherent narrative out of such an enormous country, with such a large and diverse population. We moved through 10 out of 25 states, and saw the landscape change from paddy ... Read more >

Don't have a mos-cow

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Saturday, 20 Nov 2010 | Views [598]

The first genuine city we've been to for some time and it's alive! There's energy, bustle, no hint of the repressive behaviour we got used to in parts of Asia; people kiss in public, wear wonderful bright clothes and short skirts and mostly pay no ... Read more >

Photos: Holy mos-Cow

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Friday, 19 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Russian around
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INDIA | Friday, 19 Nov 2010 | Views [571]

We have written on many postcards that travelling in India has been immensely rewarding, but also immensely frustrating. Some of those frustrations come from outside, some come from ourselves and our judgements - we want to do things 'our' way, it's ... Read more >

Photos: Actaha

KAZAKHSTAN | Monday, 15 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Move over David, here's a real golden ball
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A star? Nah, a big tower

KAZAKHSTAN | Sunday, 14 Nov 2010 | Views [650]

We've come from Siam to cyan.  One of the things we've noticed in Kazakhstan is that the aquamarine blue of the flag is everywhere. From the towels on the train to the roofs on the houses, the uniforms of many workers to bus tickets.  Not only the ... Read more >

Al-Almaty, all the time

KAZAKHSTAN | Friday, 12 Nov 2010 | Views [1054]

A is for Almaty and Almaty is for apples.  This is just one of the many things we didn't know about Kazakhstan but do now.  Of course, there's still much more to learn and we'd certainly like to come back and carry on our all-too-brief Central Asian ... Read more >

Photos: Alma mater

KAZAKHSTAN | Friday, 12 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

The small apple
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Photos: Urumqi, sodomy and the lash

CHINA | Monday, 8 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

Naughty bit of china part three
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Lost a room key in Urumqi

CHINA | Sunday, 7 Nov 2010 | Views [595]

Enjoyable Urumqui After our Nanning experience (anonymous town we killed a day in), we didn't dare hope for too much in Urumqi, especially as it's another "difficult" part of China, with heavy army presence and instructions all over the ... Read more >

She sells Xi'an

CHINA | Friday, 5 Nov 2010 | Views [986]

Xi'An is one of the most exotically named cities we've visited and also one of the most dramatic to arrive in.  Immediately after exiting the identikit Chinese Train Station one is confronted by an immense wall stretching, like China, from east to ... Read more >

Photos: Xi marks the spot

CHINA | Friday, 5 Nov 2010 | Photo Gallery

World's largest wall
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CHINA | Monday, 1 Nov 2010 | Views [624]

The Tibetan culture we're allowed to see seems to be defined very narrowly by religion, so we end up traipsing around a succession of temples and so forth.  They are magnificent, with a series of fantastic gold statues and mandalas. But seeing lots ... Read more >

Photos: Tibeten culture

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

I'd like Tibet you've never seen this before
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I'd like Tibet you've been waiting for this

CHINA | Thursday, 28 Oct 2010 | Views [1111]

5,250m away from sea level and still we're craning our necks to look at mountains another 3,000m up.  Welcome to the roof of the world.  We'd had tantalising glimpses of the high himalaya ever since arriving in Kathmandu valley, but the vistas on offer ... Read more >

Photos: On top of the world

CHINA | Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

Himalayan mountains
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Photos: Kathmandu

NEPAL | Sunday, 24 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

What can a cat do in kathmandu?
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What can a cat do in Kathmandu?

NEPAL | Sunday, 24 Oct 2010 | Views [1239]

What to do in Kathmandu? BLOP!  We've landed once more in the 'bubble', dear friends.  For those of you that live in lands with no 'bubble', let us quickly examine what a 'bubble' is.  It is an area that defies logic, culture and even temporal constraints.... Read more >

Photos: Darling darjeeling

INDIA | Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010 | Photo Gallery

Fancy a cuppa?
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