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Long route home Our trip all the way home, trying to catch no planes and stay on the ground like civilised people. It's taking us via India all the way to Europe from Japan, the furthest of the Far East...

Trip: Colombia Calling

There are [8] stories from my trip: Colombia Calling

Photos: Chicaque

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Photo Gallery

Cloud Forest
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Photos: Home sweet home

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Photo Gallery

New flat
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A place to lay our heads

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Views [743] | Comments [1]

I should begin by saying that we rarely do things the easy way. On day two of flat hunting, we did find a lovely furnished two bedroom appartment with a landlady who did not need us to have a guarantor. Flat hunting in Colombia has been an experience.... Read more >

Tags: flats

A special(s) update...

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 22 May 2012 | Views [558]

The streets are empty. Hardly a single business has shutters up. We're too high for tumbleweed, but if we weren't, it would surely be blowing down the road. Yet today is a day when few work and most have free time. This is hardly ... Read more >

Cali G

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 20 May 2012 | Views [883]

After a lot of rushing around looking at apartments and going to job interviews, we thought we deserved a break and headed off to Cali in the south for a bit of sun and relaxation. Cali isn't very far as the condor flies and since condors ... Read more >

Tags: cali, drunks, howler monkeys, jacuzzis, mosquitos, pool, scots, walking, yotoco, zoo

Photos: Cali for you now

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 17 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

See all 78 photos >>

Photos: Bogota I

COLOMBIA | Friday, 4 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

Graffiti, mountains, bubblegum buildings etc
See all 80 photos >>

First impressions

COLOMBIA | Monday, 30 Apr 2012 | Views [812]

Telling folk back home we were heading out on an adventure to Colombia brought two usual responses: a) "you'll get kidnapped" or b) "you'll get murdered".  Well, surprise surprise, IT'S NOT A WAR ZONE.  It's a perfectly civilised ... Read more >

Tags: andes, bogota, candelaria, old town

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