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Franz Josef 17th - 19th May

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 19 May 2016 | Views [393]

We arrived in Franz Josef at around 1 o clock after a fairly short journey and it was a lovely clear day so we went for a short walk up through the rainforest to some tunnels after we checked into our hostel - Rainforest Retreat. Unfortunately because ... Read more >

Kaiteriteri 14th - 15th May; Westport 15th - 16th May; Lake Mahinapua 16th - 17th May

NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 17 May 2016 | Views [311]

I've decided to write about these few places together because I don't have too much to say about each one since we were only in each place for a night and therefore each blogpost is really short at the moment. We are travelling around by hop on ... Read more >

Wellington 12th - 14th May

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 15 May 2016 | Views [272]

We arrived into Wellington around 6pm after a long day of travelling. We had an early night ready for our day in Wellington. We spent most of our day in Te Papa which is the national museum, wandering out to town for a cafe stop at lunchtime. The museum ... Read more >

River Valley 11th - 12th May

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 12 May 2016 | Views [249]

We arrived into River Valley in the late afternoon having stopped at the waterfall which was used in Lord of the Rings (everything seems to be part of Lord of the Rings to be honest). The lodge is in the middle of nowhere basically and its normally ... Read more >

Taupo 9th - 11th May

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 | Views [333]

We left the Tamaki Maori village at about  8.30am  and headed to Te Puia which has the largest geyser in the southern hemisphere. We wandered around for a while with our tour guide who showed us some traditional Maori crafts (carving and weaving) ... Read more >

Rotorua 6th - 9th May

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 9 May 2016 | Views [337]

We left Waitomo at around 8.45 and headed down to Rotorua stopping on the way at Hobbiton, which is the movie set for the shire in Lord of the Rings. The set tour was really good and involved a wander round the hobbit holes and the pub. We got some good ... Read more >

Waitomo 5th - 6th May

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 6 May 2016 | Views [272]

We left hot water beach nice and early (7.30) to head down to Waitomo. On the way we stopped for a short walk at the Karangahake Gorge and we arrived at Waitomo at about  2pm . We checked into our hostel - Kiwi Packer hostel - and chilled for a ... Read more >

Hot Water Beach 4th - 5th May

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 5 May 2016 | Views [350]

We arrived into hot water beach at about  2pm  and set out half an hour later for a walk down to cathedral cove. Cathedral cove is a beach split by a cove and its really beautiful. The water was far too cold to swim but we did paddle and sit ... Read more >

Bay of Islands, Paiha 2nd - 4th May

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 4 May 2016 | Views [345]

We left Aukland at about 7am and got onto our first bus. We've bought a Kiwi Experience pass which allows us to hop on and hop off buses when and where we want to so long as its on the route we've purchased. On the way up to the bay of islands, which ... Read more >

Aukland 30th April - 1st May

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 1 May 2016 | Views [327]

We arrived to Aukland exhausted and after 15 hours and two flights (one from Melbourne to Wellington and another from Wellington to Aukland) at about 12. We spent the afternoon shopping around queens street, had pizza for dinner and then had a very early ... Read more >

Photos: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 1 May 2016 | Photo Gallery

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Melbourne 25th - 29th April

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 29 Apr 2016 | Views [349]

The three of us arrived to our hostel - Habitat HQ - at about 11am and spent the morning walking around St Kildas (the area we were staying). Its really nice with a bit of a London/ Bristol atmosphere which I like. Theres also a lot of cake ... Read more >

Sydney 21st - 25th April

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 25 Apr 2016 | Views [316]

The two of us arrived to Sydney Central station an hour early so grabbed a coffee and took a seat to wait for Amy who was supposed to be meeting us at the station when the bus came in. Because she had got the same bus the day before, she had known it ... Read more >

Byron Bay 18th - 20th April

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 | Views [274]

The three of us (Amy, Katie and I)  arrived to Byron Bay at about  11am  and spent the first day wandering around the town, checking out the beach and having coffee at one of Byron's many, many cafes. Byron seems lovely, very hippy, very ... Read more >

Brisbane 16th - 18th April

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 18 Apr 2016 | Views [303]

We arrived to Brisbane at about 2 o clock and checked in to our hostel which was called Sunshine House Backpackers. We then took a wander into the city centre to find an apple store so that Becki could replace her broken phone. After that was done we ... Read more >

Hervey Bay and Fraser Island 12th - 15th April

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 15 Apr 2016 | Views [514]

We arrived into Hervey Bay at about  11am  and checked in to Palace Hostel. It wasn't exactly a palace but it wasn't bad either. We went out to a cafe for lunch and then wandered around the town. There isn't much here to be honest as its mainly ... Read more >

Airlie beach and the Whitsundays 7th -12th April

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2016 | Views [349]

We checked into our hostel at around 7pm and after some fuss with swapping rooms we got packed up ready for the next day. Because of bedbugs (which apparently like to live in zips) we weren't allowed to take any bags with any zips on which made it ... Read more >

Magnetic Island 6th - 7th April

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Apr 2016 | Views [502]

We stayed in Arcadia beach guest house in Arcadia bay on Magnetic Island in two tents. The tents were more glamping than camping though as it was basically a four man tent inside an almost shed with two walls and a roof. Inside there was two fans, a ... Read more >

Mission Beach 5th April

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 5 Apr 2016 | Views [312]

We arrived at Mission Beach at about 4.30 and got the free shuttle to our hostel - Mission Beach YHA. There isn't really much in mission beach, its famous as being a skydiving spot. We had intended to stop by for the night, allowing just enough time ... Read more >

Cairns 1st - 4th April

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 4 Apr 2016 | Views [498]

We arrived at Cairns airport safe and sound, albeit exhausted, at about  9am  and got the free shuttle to the hostel, called Asylum. It took about 20 minutes and the first thing we noticed is how calm and wide the roads are compared to Asia.... Read more >

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