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Wellington 12th - 14th May

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 15 May 2016 | Views [269]

We arrived into Wellington around 6pm after a long day of travelling. We had an early night ready for our day in Wellington. We spent most of our day in Te Papa which is the national museum, wandering out to town for a cafe stop at lunchtime. The museum has a really interesting war exhibit, and then a few about Maori culture and the history of New Zealand which were all quite interesting. The war exhibition had all these incredible, huge statues that were so realistic, I think those were the best bit. 
In the evening Amy, Becki and I  went to the cinema to see a kiwi film called The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. The film was really funny and we all really enjoyed it. Its a shame we didn't have longer in Wellington because I really liked it, but because of the way the bus runs we couldn't unfortunately. It was also quite nice to have more than one night in a place, much less tiring that way. We're off to the south island tomorrow morning on the interislander ferry, our first stop being Kaiteriteri which is on the outskirts of the Abel Tasmen national park so that should be really beautiful. 


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